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A Practical Course in Personal Magnetism

The Victorian guide to health, happiness, power and success

Book cover of A Practical Course in Personal Magnetism by

A seductive little volume... what the Victorians knew, and we've forgotten.

Lisa Appignanesi

You perhaps have never thought that you are yourself a sort of electrical storage battery, constantly receiving and discharging force; sending out currents of attraction and repulsion.

Drawn from the original self-help bestsellers of the Victorian age, 'A Practical Course in Personal Magnetism' presents a comprehensive guide to unleash your inner charisma and find success, in love, business and beyond.

With the advice of the Psychic Research Company, learn how to effectively harness the electric powers of your mind:

  • Control the Actions of Others 
  • Make Effective Use of Mystery
  • Gain Ease and Self-confidence
  • Win the Affection of the Opposite Sex
  • Appreciate the Value of Cheerfulness
  • Master the Magnetic Handshake

Date published