Guillemeau, Jacques, 1550?-1613
By this person (22)
About this person (1)
- Books
The Frenche chirurgerye, or all the manualle operations of chirurgerye, with divers, and sundrye figures, and amongst the rest certayne nuefownde instrumentes, verye necessarye to all the operationes of chirurgerye / Through Jacques Guillemeau ... And now truelye translated out of Dutch into Englishe by A. M.
Guillemeau, Jacques, 1550?-1613Date: 1597 [colophon 1598]- Books
- Online
Les oeuvres de chirurgie avec les portraits et figures de toutes les parties du corps humain et des instrumens necessaires au chirurgien.
Guillemeau, Jacques, 1550?-1613.Date: 1598- Books
Child-birth, or the happie deliverie of women. Wherein is set downe the government of women ... together with the diseases which happen to women in those times, and the meanes to help them. To which is added, a treatise of the diseases of infants, and young children: with the cure of them. With a treatise for The nursing of children ... / [Jacques Guillemeau].
Guillemeau, Jacques, 1550?-1613.Date: 1635- Books
Les oeuures de chirurgie / de Iacques Guillemeau, ...auec les portraicts et figures de toutes les parties du corps humain, & des instruments necessaires au chirurgien. Augmentees, et mises en vn: et enrichies de plusieurs traitez, pris des leçons de Me. Germain Courtin.
Guillemeau, Jacques, 1550?-1613.Date: M. DCXII. [1612]- Books
- Online
Child-birth or, The happy delivery of vvomen : VVherein is set downe the government of women. In the time of their breeding childe: of their travaile, both naturall and contrary to nature: and of their lying in. Together with the diseases, which happen to vvomen in those times, and the meanes to helpe them. With a treatise for the nursing of children. To which is added, a treatise of the diseases of infants, and young children: with the cure of them, and also of the small pox. Written in French by Iames Guillimeau the French Kings chirurgion.
Guillemeau, Jacques, 1550?-1613Date: 1635