Electronic books
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- Books
- Online
Prediche quadragesimali dell' anno 1495: Registro della prediche fatte nel 1495
Savonarola, Girolamo 1452-1498Date: [1496-1497?]- Books
- Online
Prodigiorum ac ostentorum chronicon / [Konrad Lykosthenes].
Lykosthenes, Konrad, 1518-1561.Date: 1557- Books
- Online
L'homoeopathie à l'Académie de médecine de Belgique en 1877 : réponse au défi de M. le professeur Crocq / par le docteur Gailliard.
Gailliard, Delphin Louis.Date: 1877- Books
- Online
Index locorum in commentario Caesaris Belli gallici descriptorum (Rev: Bonus Accursius)
Marlianus, Raimundus approximately 1420-1475Date: 1478- Books
- Online
Medicine and the church : being a series of studies on the relationship between the practice of medicine and the church's ministry to the sick / by Sir Clifford Allbut [and others] ; edited with an introduction by Geoffrey Rhodes ; with a foreword by the Lord Bishop of Winchester.
Date: 1910