


  • Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian. Woodcut and letterpress.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin). Etching.
  • Certain necessary directions, as well for the cure of the plague, as for preventing the infection with many easie medicines of small charge, very profitable to His Majesties subjects / Set downe by the Colledge of Physicians by the Kings Majesties speciall command. With sundry orders thought meet by His Majestie, and his Privie Councell for prevention of the plague. Also certaine select statutes ... Together with His Majesties proclamation for further direction therein and a decree in Starre-Chamber. Concerning buildings and in-mates.
  • Oracion contra la peste : O mi Señor Jesucristo! Dios justo: Dios immortal: tened piedad de nosotros y de todo el género humano ... Amen.
  • Orders, thought meete by Her Maiestie, and her privie Councell, to be executed throughout the counties of this realme, in such townes, villages, and other places, as are, or may be hereafter infected with the plague ... Also, an advise set downe ... by the best learned in physicke ... contayning sundry good rules and easie medicines.
  • The Virgin of Health in the church of St. Catherine of Strada Maggiore at Bologna. Photogravure.
  • Orders, thought meete by Her Maiestie, and her priuie Councell, to be executed throughout the counties of this realme, in such townes, villages, and other places, as are, or may be hereafter infected with the plague, for the stay of further increase of the same. Also, an aduise set downe vpon Her Maiesties expresse commaundement, by the best learned in physicke within this realme, contayning sundry good rules and easie medicines. Without charge to the meaner sort of people, aswell for the preseruation of her good subiects from the plague before infection, as for the curing and ordring of them after they shalbe infected.
  • The triumphant Christ Child standing on the Jesuit monogram, above instruments of the Passion; surrounded by cherubim. Engraving.
  • A prayer to Allah. Oil (?) painting.
  • Croce : Li San Zaccaria vescovo di Gerusalemme, al quale facendo orazione a pro quella città devastata della peste, fu inspirato il presente mistero col quale restò placata sua Divina Maestà facendo cessare il sopraccennato castigo.
