


  • A man comes to a shop to sell a fish to a woman who sells poultry, fish and vegetables, watched by a cat. Engraving by J. Burnet after W. Mieris.
  • Caring for your pet / Seven Seas Veterinary Division.
  • A monster representing an influenza virus hitting a man over the head as he sits in his armchair. Pen and ink drawing by E. Noble, c. 1918.
  • Farm cats : the farmers friends / The Cats Protection League.
  • Junior cat care manual / Cats Protection League.
  • A tooth-drawer extracting a tooth from a fashionable and rich lady, while his black assistant and her white maid attend. Etching.
  • The noses and mouths of two cats with protruding tongues. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1973.
  • A monkey physician examining a cat patient for fleas. Coloured lithograph.
  • A woman doctor examining a girl's finger. Engraving after J. Northcote.
  • Caring for your pet / Seven Seas Veterinary Division.
