Church of England
By this organisation (804)
About this organisation (2)
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The danger and mischiefs of popery, set forth by the late Bishop of London, in his fifth pastoral letter
Church of England- E-books
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In the Consistory Court of London. Augusta Evans, the wife, versus Thomas Evans, Esq. the husband. Sentence given by Sir William Scott, July 2, 1790. Taken in short hand by Mr. Gurney
Church of England- E-books
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Popery the bane of true letters: a charge delivered to the clergy of the Archdeaconry of Sudbury, at a visitation on May 12, &c. 1746. By John Chapman, D. D. Archdeacon of Sudbury, and Chaplain to his Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Published at
Church of England- E-books
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Directions to the clergy and churchwardens, to be observed in the primary visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, Charles, Lord Bishop of Norwich, 1794. ..
Church of England- E-books
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A form of prayer and thanksgiving to almighty God; for the victory gained by His Majesty's fleet under the command of Sir John Jervis, on the fourteenth of February last. To be used at morning and evening service, after the general thanksgiving, Throughou
Church of England