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Careers in the Arts

  • Free
  • Workshop
  • Schools
  • Relaxed
A group of young people having a discussion. One girl has her hand raised, others are looking at another girl, who is speaking.
Youth Programme event. Photo: Steven Pocock. Source: Wellcome Collection. © All rights reserved.

Help your students kick-start their career in the arts with this workshop, facilitated by artist and producer Asma Istwani.

 They will learn practical skills like how to write a standard CV and how to pitch with confidence. They’ll get real-world advice from a professional on good financial habits and the importance of balancing your well-being with the demands of work.

 Each student will be given a booklet, to design and complete, based on the talks and activities during the workshop. 

We have developed this workshop for groups of students aged 14 to 19, studying GCSEs or post-16 qualifications at school or sixth-form college. You can bring up to 30 students, accompanied by staff at a ratio of 1:10.

Due to the small scale of our free programme, schools in the Greater London area have priority.



Need to know


We’ll be in the Studio on level 1. When you enter Wellcome Collection, head up the stairs or take the lift, then follow the signs.

School booking conditions

Your school or college can book a maximum of two study days per term. To secure your booking, you'll need to complete and return the required forms promptly.

All study days and events are free, but we charge a fee for cancellation or significant changes to your group size made within three weeks of your visit. Both policies are explained fully in the agreement we ask you to sign ahead of your visit.


This is a relaxed event, which means that if you need to, you are welcome to move around and make noise at any time.

For more information, please visit our Accessibility page. If you have any queries about accessibility, please email us at access@wellcomecollection.org or call 0 2 0. 7 6 1 1. 2 2 2 2

About your facilitator

Black and white photograph of the head and shoulders of a woman with shoulder length dark hair.  The woman is smiling and looking directly at the camera.

Asma Istwani

Asma is an artist and arts producer from London. She has worked with several organisations including Tate and Somerset House on a variety of creative projects. She is also the founder of RIOT SOUP, an art collective and community for Black and Brown women artists in London.