133 results filtered with: Obstetric Labor Complications
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A manual of midwifery : including the pregnancy and the puerperal state / by Karl Schroeder ; translated into English from the third German edition by Charles H. Carter.
Schroeder, Karl Ludwig Ernst, 1838-1887.Date: 1873- Books
Difficult labour : a guide to its management for students and practitioners / by G. Ernest Herman.
Herman, G. Ernest (George Ernest), 1849-1914.Date: 1906- Books
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De la délivrance et de quelques accidents qui peuvent la compliquer : thèse pour le doctorat en médecine, présentée et soutenue le 22 août 1853 / par Léon Aussillous.
Aussillous, Léon.Date: 1853- Books
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A case of inverted uterus / by A. Hamilton.
Hamilton, Alexander, 1739-1802.Date: 1791- Books
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Records of obstetric consultation practice ; and a translation of Busch & Moser on uterine haemorrhage, with notes and cases.
Copeman, Edward, 1809-1880.Date: 1856- Books
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Modo de hacer la operacion cesarea despues de muerta la madre.
Ribes, José.Date: [1805]- Books
A case of labour with atresia vaginae / by Fancourt Barnes.
Barnes, Fancourt (Robert Sydenham Fancourt), 1849-1908.Date: [1884?]- Books
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Difficult labour : a guide to its management for students and practitioners / by G. Ernest Herman.
Herman, G. Ernest (George Ernest), 1849-1914.Date: 1894- Books
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Case of spontaneous inversion of the uterus occurring immediately after delivery : with remarks / by J.G. Wilson.
Wilson, J. G. (James George)Date: [between 1860 and 1869?]- Books
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A contribution to the pathology of phlegmasia dolens / by Robert Lee.
Lee, Robert, 1793-1877.Date: 1829- Books
Illustrations of difficult parturition / by John Hall Davis.
Davis, John Hall, 1811-1884.Date: 1858- Books
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Frequency, etiology and practical significance of contractions of the pelvic outlet / by J. Whitridge Williams.
Williams, J. Whitridge (John Whitridge), 1866-1931.Date: 1909- Books
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Coup d'oeil sur le placenta en général, et sur les cas où son insertion vicieuse sur l'orifice utérin réclame les secours de l'art : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier, le 15 décembre 1837 / par Jean-Baptiste Michniewski.
Michniewski, Jean-Baptiste.Date: 1837- Books
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M. Giraud's physiological and practical observations on labours.
Giraud, M.Date: [between 1800 and 1809?]- Books
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Illustrations of difficult parturition.
Davis, John Hall, 1811-1884.Date: 1858- Books
Child-bearing, health and social priorities : a survey of 22 774 consecutive hospital births in Zaria, Northern Nigeria / Kelsey A. Harrison.
Harrison, Kelsey A.Date: 1985- Books
Perineal fistula left by the transit of the infant through the perineum / by J.Y. Simpson.
Simpson, James Young, 1811-1870.Date: 1855- Books
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Des luxations coxo-fémorales, soit congénitales, soit spontanées, au point de vue des accouchements / par le docteur Guéniot.
Guéniot, A. (Alexandre), 1832-1935.Date: 1869- Books
An essay on the means of lessening pain, and facilitating certain cases of difficult parturition / By William P. Dewees.
Dewees, William P. (William Potts), 1768-1841.Date: 1819- Books
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Pathological and practical researches on uterine inflammation in puerperal women / By Robert Lee.
Lee, Robert, 1793-1877.Date: 1831- Books
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Case of spontaneous expulsion of child : with remarks / by Robert Dyce.
Dyce, Robert, 1798-1869.Date: 1850- Books
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Dissertatio medica inauguralis exhibens foetum e rupto utero in abdomen prorumpentem ... / eruditorum examini subjiciet Christianus Fridericus Pistor.
Pistor, Christian Friedrich.Date: [1726]- Books
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Aphorisms on the application and use of the forceps and vectis : on preternatural labours - on labours attended with hemorrhage - and with convulsions / by Thomas Denman, M.D.
Denman, Thomas, 1733-1815.Date: 1806- Books
High-risk obstetrics : a practical handbook for use where the medical need is greatest and the material resources limited / Beryl O. Howie.
Howie, Beryl O.Date: 1986- Books
- Online
Case of complex labor : with remarks, etc. / reported by Gustavus L. Simmons.
Simmons, Gustavus L. (Gustavus Lincoln), 1832-1910.Date: 1857