Memory and commemoration in medieval culture / edited by Elma Brenner, Meredith Cohen, Mary Franklin-Brown.

  • Books

About this work


Farnham, Surrey, UK England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, [2013]

Physical description

xvii, 354 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Bibliographic information

Includes bibliographical references and index.


Part I. Memory and images -- Images and the Work of Memory : The Sixth-Century Mosaics of Ravenna, Italy / Jean-Claude Schmitt (translated from the French by Marie-Pierre Gelin) -- "Images Gross and Sensible" : Violence, Memory and Art in the Thirteenth Century / Martha Easton -- Beyond the Two Doors of Memory : Intertextualities and Intervisualities in Thirteenth-Century Illuminated Manuscripts of the Roman de Troie and the Histoire Ancienne / Rosa María Rodríguez Porto -- Part II. Commemoration and oblivion -- The Making of the Carolingian Libri Memoriales : Exploring or Constructing the Past? / Eva-Maria Butz and Alfons Zettler -- Status and the Soul : Commemoration and Intercession in the Rayonnant Chapels of Northern France in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries / Mailan S. Doquang -- Ritual Excommunication : An "Ars Oblivionalis"? / Christian Jaser --
Part III. Memory, Reading and Performance -- The Speculum Maius, Between Thesaurus and Lieu de Mémoire / Mary Franklin-Brown -- The Memory of Roman Law in an Illuminated Manuscript of Justinian's Digest / Joanna Fronska -- "Quant j'eus tout recordé par ordre" : Memory and Performance on Display in the Manuscripts of Guillaume de Machaut's Voir Dit and Remede de Fortune / Kate Maxwell -- Acrostics as Copyright Protection in the Franco-Italian Epic : Implications for Memory Theory / John F. Levy -- Part IV. Royal and Aristocratic Memory and Commemoration -- Changes of Aristocratic Identity : Remarriage and Remembrance in Europe 900-1200 / Elisabeth van Houts -- Longchamp and Lourcine : The Role of Female Abbeys in the Construction of Capetian Memory (Late Thirteenth Century to Mid-Fourteenth Century) / Anne-Hélène Allirot (translated from the French by Lewis Beer) -- Louis IX and Liturgical Memory / M. Cecilia Gaposchkin -- Part V. Remembering Medieval France -- Pierre Loti's "Memories" of the Middle Ages : Feasting on the Gothic in 1888 / Elizabeth Emery -- Celebrating the Medieval Past in Modern Cluny : How Popular Events Helped Shape Collective Memory for a Small French Town / Janet T. Marquardt -- "A Mere Patch of Color" : Isabella Stewart Gardner and the Shattered Glass of Reims Cathedral / Shirin Fozi.


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    History of Medicine
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  • 9781409423935
  • 140942393X