Charles Pyne papers

  • Charles Pyne
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


This collection is uncatalogued. The following is a temporary description which may change when detailed cataloguing takes place in the future.

Charles Pyne’s papers relating to the development of smallpox vaccines and vaccination techniques in Nigeria, West Africa, in the 1950s. Comprises one presentation folder containing Pyne's 1993 unpublished write-up of his work and experiences (43pp plus appendices), titled "The Production of Smallbox Vaccine in Nigeria 1954 - 1964". This account is based mainly on his laboratory notes and includes original and photocopied documents. It covers :
- A historical overview of smallpox and vaccine production in Nigeria
- Methodology in the preparation of smallpox vaccine lymph
- The preparation and testing of dried smallpox vaccine
- The organisation, staffing and activities of the Smallpox Vaccine Laboratory at Yaba
- and the construction of a new laboratory (completed 1961).

Plus one folder containing original letters, reports and papers relating to Pyne's work and one folder containing photographs of the laboratories and staff at work, local vaccination efforts, and the effects of smallpox dating from the 1950s.

As well as scientific material the papers includes insights into life in Nigeria in the 1950s, the impact of endemic smallpox on the local population, and the practical problems of carrying out field trials.



Physical description

Uncatalogued : 3 folders


Acquisition note

Donated to Wellcome in June 2024.

Biographical note

Charles E J Pyne was Superintendent Medical Laboratory Technologist at the Smallpox Vaccine Laboratories, Yaba, Nigeria from 1954-1964. He worked at the laboratories in collaboration with Dr D. A. Cannon and together they refined the freeze-dried vaccine production process and then conducted successful field trials in remote villages. The knowledge gained as passed on to researchers in other tropical locations, thereby contributing to the eradication programme.

Terms of use

This collection is currently uncatalogued and cannot be ordered online. Requests to view uncatalogued material are considered on a case by case basis. Please contact for more details.

Ownership note

Created and collated by Charles Pyne and then held in his family's care.

Permanent link


Accession number

  • 2764