Elichmann, Johann ( -1639)

  • Elichmann, Johann ( --1639)
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Liber amicorum. An interleaved copy of Daniel Stolcius de Stolcenberg's 'Viridarium chymicum', Frankfort: L. Jennis, 1624, containing 97 [100] entries, including many autographs of contemporary physicians and scholars. Original limp vellum binding: stamped on upper cover 'IESVS', a small fleur de lys, and 'ELS'. Inside the upper cover a small circular symbolic water-colour with motto 'Paupertate premor sublevor ingenio'. The third leaf is a full-page water-colour illustrating the Light of Wisdom. Facing entry No. 45 is another full-page symbolic water-colour of the achievement of the 'Lapis Philosophorum' possibly executed by Michael Libavius. The work of Stolcius is collated 8 ll. + 107 engraved plates + 106 six-line verses + 8 bl. ll. The last plate No. cvii has no accompanying verses, and shows the coat of arms of Stolcius. An 18th cent. owner has numbered the autograph entries 1-99, but has missed an entry on the verso of No. 63. No. 35 is dropped--or wanting: Nos. 97, 98 are missing. Some of the entries are on inserted leaves, others on the verso-leaves or plate-leaves of Stolcius' work. Leaf 1 Notice of Elichmann by an 18th cent. owner. 2v Latin verses on 'Lux sacra Sapientiae'. No. 1 Plempius ([Vopiscus] Fortunatus) [1601--1671]. Medicus. Amsterdam. 20/5/1631. 2 Rumpf (Christian). [Medicus?] The Hague. 10/2/1632. Perhaps Father of the physician and naturalist Georg Eberhard Rumpf [1627--1706]. 3 Plautius (Caspar). Abbas in Saittenstätten. O.S.B. 1623. 4 Mainus à Maienstein (Daniel). Frankfort on Main. 23/5/1627. Nollet (Jan de). Chanoine. Liège. 1/9/1629. 6 Castelestus. Doctor Bruxellensis. Brussels. -/8/1625. 7 Mazellet (François) 'de Languedoc'. Liège. 29/8/1629. 8 Hollinghoeven (Guilielmus von). Liège. 8/10/1629. 9 Woestenraedt (J. à). 'Cosmopolites'. Liège. 31/10/1629. 10 Wachtendonck (Arnold à). 'Decanus Cathedrae'. Liège. 6/10/1627. 11 Nellers (Joannes). 'Medicus Civitatis Leodiensis'. Liège. 26/3/1626. 12 Paradisi (Jacobus). 'Medicinae Doctor. Leodiensis'. Liège. 12/10/1627. 13 Wisner (Daniel). 'Medicinae Doctor'. Gorlitz. Amsterdam. 14/5/1631. 14 Strada à Rosberg (Octavius). Antiquary. Lüttich. 13/7/1627. 15 Huer (Arnold). Liège. 8/9/1629. 16 Benzman [?] (Friedrich Christoff). n.p. n.d. 17 Abensin [?] (Lorenz?). Amberg. 1623. 18 Alheusen [?] (Philipp Heinrich ab). 2/5/1623. 19 Lansberg (Philipp) [1561-1632]. Astronomer. Middleburg. 3/9/1631. 20 Kehr (Christian). Prague. 15/8/1623. 21 Lansberg (Jacob) [1590-1667] M.D. Middelburg. 3/9/1631. With a symbolic pen-drawing of an alchemical process. 22 Schleyn (Ludwig). Frankfort. 1626. 23 Scheilendorff (Johann à). Ex Silesia Capitaneus Castrensis'. 1/4/1624. 24 Achlern (Jacob Wilhelm von). Prague. 16/8/1623. 25 Wall (Carolus Oddo de). Viechtach. 15/6/1623. 26 Frey (Janus Caecilius) [1580--1631]. M.D. Paris. 1625. 27 Schilling (Albert à). Liège. 25/7/1630. 28 Tetinge (Nicolaus). Religious fanatic and Rosicrucian. Leyden. 17/8/1631. 29 Meursius (Joannes) [1579-1639]. Phiologist. Sora. 13/11/1634. 30 Habernfeld (Andreas ab). M.D. The Hague. 6/1/1632. 31 Heer (Henricus ab) [1576--1636?]. 'Ferdinandi Electoris medicus'. Liège. 3/9/1625. 32 Sartorius (Georg Jacob). 'Electoris Moguntini archiater'. Mainz. 7/6/1627. 33 Nidermeyr (Franz). M.D. Bad Ems. 12/6/1627. 34 Wittich (J. A.). Deggendorf. 22/11/1622. 35 Dropped or wanting. 36 Leschius (Isaias). M.D. Prague. 18/8/1623. 37 Remy (Joannes). 'Archiater Austricus'. Ratisbon. 5/4/1622. 38 Sagittarius (Ferdinand). M.D. Ratisbon. 12/3/1623. 39 Freytag (Joannes) [1587--1654]. Ratisbon. 25/9/1622. 40 Roland (Andreas). M.D. 30/11/1622. 41 Höyer (Anton). Emmerich. 1628. Wagner (Melchior). 'Pastor Palatinus'. Emmerich. 27/1/1631. 43 Prunner von Prunhofer (Hans Irwin?). Reynsburg. 5/1/1623. 44 Pollant (Johannes). 'Philochemicus'. Ratisbon. 31/3/1623. 45 Libavius (Michael). 'Philosophiae et medicinae sectator'. Ratisbon. 28/1/1623. 46 Schubhard (Tobias). 24/5/1623. 47 Leyel (W.). Copenhagen. 22/4/1635. 48 Torndall (Christian). Pastor. Wramma. 11/12/1634. 49 Bursius (Petrus). M.D. Middelburg. 19/9/1632. 50 Copy of alchemical inscription 'Ex Mantuanis Italiae monumentum'. 51 Caesar (Eberhard). Ratisbon. 26/5/1625. 52 Friderici (Johann Joseph). Leyden. 28/8/1636. 53 Pallant (?). Xanten. 1628. 54 Ruar (Martin) [1588--1657]. Socinian minister. Leyden. 3/7/1632. 55 Semini (Hieronymus). 'Medicinae professor'. 18/8/1625. 56 Kerner (Arnold). M.D. 'Philochymiater'. Leipzig. 11/5/1625. 57 Broune (Joannes). 'Anglus, philosophiae et medicinae doctor'. Paris. 1625. 58 Held (Justus). Frankfort. 7/4/1626. 59 Homagus (Henricus Philippus) alias Morius (Gottlieb). 'Med. Stud.' Frankfort. 7/4/1626. 60 Stefani (Samuel). 'Archiater Hanoviae'. Hanover. 1627. 61 Dobricius (Antonius). 'Medicus aulicus'. Wittemberg. 26/4/1623. 62 Bayer (Valerius). [Trutenau?]. 22/8/1623. 63 Salius (Johannes). Landshütte. 1/5/1624. 63A Rosa (Christianus) [1600--1662]. 'Medicus'. Landshütte. 31/10/1624. 64 Agricola (Johann Georg). M.D. Ratisbon. 1/5/1626. 65 Hinckelman (Benedict). 'Medicinae hermeticae amator'. n.d. 66 Morhemius (Franciscus). Vesal. 27/1/1631. 67 Tisenius (Georg). Leipzig. 1/5/1627. 68 Krieg (Johannes), M.D. Ratisbon. 10/4/1626. Freitag (Johann Heinrich). 'Philosophiae verae indagator'. -/8/1625. 70 Brunaeus (Johannes). Musician. Middelburg. 22/10/1632. 71 Laurenberg (Joannes) [1590-1658]. Mathematices professor. M.D. Sora. -/11/1634. 72 Boreel (Adam) [ -1667]. Classical scholar. Middelburg. 22/10/1632. 73 Stephanius (Stephanus Johannes) [1599--1650]. Historian. Sora. 12/11/1634. 74 Staricius (Joannes). Schleissheim. 8/11/1626. 75 Stöcker (Johannes). M.D. Spa. 5/8/1627. 76 Drackard (Biorn Severin). Sora. 13/11/1634. 77 Beekman (Isaak) [ -1677]. Mathematician. Dordrecht. 15/3/1637. 78 Rhenanus (Wilhelm). M.D. [Deventer?] 1630. 79 Hirthenius (Joachim). Leyden. 21/3/1638. 80 Mylius (Johann Daniel). 'Medicus et chemicus'. n.d. 81 Dietrich (Johann Conrad) [1612-1669]. Philologist. Leyden. 20/12/1637. 82 Pesch (Jacob). M.D. Geldria. 6/12/1630. 83 Kempis (Arnold). 'Chemiae studiosissimus'. Cologne. 12/5/1629. 84 Barth (Matthias). n.d. 85 Schuler (Paul Christoph). Hanau. 1627. 86 Sudermann (Daniel). Strassburg. 15/7/1625. 87 Münster (Johann Ludwig). [Trutenau?] 25/7/1625. 88 Donchier (Augustin). Liège. 22/3/1626. 89 Jennis (Lucas). Publisher. Frankfort. 31/5/1637. 90 Galle (François). Liège. 14/6/1630. 91 Dormalios (Eric). [In Greek.] Liège. 6/12/1630. 92 Krimiotes (Andreas) of Circena [Takhimo]. [In Greek.] 15/2/1634. 93 Mulenius (Joannes) [1604-1669]. Antiquary. Altona. 2/3/1635. 94 Bååk (Olaf Johan). 'Philosophiae et medicinae hermeticae studiosus'. Leyden. 22/4/1631. 95 La Boulaine (Abraham). Vesal. 26/1/1631. 96 Wanting. 97 Wanting. 98 Senheim (Arnoldus De). M.D. Cologne. 13/6/1627. 99 Maffeius (Johannes Andreas). 'Medicus'. Düsseldorf. 6/4/1628.



Physical description

1 volume 356 ll. obl. 8vo. 91/2 x 151/2 cm.

Acquisition note

Presented in 1913 by Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton [1844-1916].

Biographical note

Johann Elichmann, the owner of the volume, besides his professional attainments, was a distinguished Orientalist and is said to have spoken sixteen languages.

Ownership note

A note on the first leaf in Dutch states that this MS. was acquired at Utrecht on 7th September 1750 from the Collection of Jacob Marcus in whose Catalogue 1150 it was No. 26.

Finding aids

Database description transcribed from S.A.J. Moorat, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts on Medicine and Science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library (London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1962-1973).


Where to find it

  • LocationStatusAccess
    Closed stores

Permanent link


Accession number

  • 31962