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199 results filtered with: Line photoengravings
  • A variety of molluscs, including the class of gasteropods. Line block.
  • A variety of gasteropod molluscs, including glaucus, snails and slugs. Line block.
  • A clergyman in a coffin holding a crozier is surrounded by a group of mourners. Line block.
  • A Chinese man displaying the symptoms of 'oily' rheumatism on his scalp. Coloured line block print by Chiang Yee, after a Chinese artist, 1920/1940?.
  • John Montagu, 5th Earl of Sandwich, is following a young woman who is pushing a barrow of carrots through the West End of London. Process print after J. Gillray.
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  • A pack of dogs has hunted down a fox and is about to kill it. Coloured line block after an engraving by C. Tomkins after W. J. Shayer.
  • Three Queen trigger fish swimming in the sea. Colour line block after H. Murayama.
  • Ten Viennese doctors. Process print, 1913.
  • A variety of echinodermata, including rotulas and arachnoides. Line block.
  • Sir Richard Owen. Colour line block, 1883.
  • A prompter in a music hall enjoys watching a woman can-can dancer, tells an unpopular man entertainer to get off the stage, and is finally arrested at the request of two dissatisfied men. Process print after Albert Guillaume.
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  • A pharmacist makes some medicine which he is only able to sell to a one-legged man. Line block.
  • A Nevers griffon dog. Process print by Rougeron Vignerot.
  • A fractured pelvis bone. Line block print after R.W. Smith, 1862.
  • A lady jumping with her horse over a brook with a gentleman following her on his horse. Colour line block.
  • Ophiuridae of the genus Echinodermata. Line block.
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  • A dissection in progress: the anatomy professor at his lectern. Line block after a drawing after a woodcut, 1493.
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  • Two missionaries gouging out the eyes of a Chinese convert. Line photoengraving, 1915.
  • Four-eyed fish and butterly fish swimming in the sea above a coral reef. Colour line block after H. Murayama.
  • Oberst Harrison and Professor Truffi. Process print after Politiken, 1930.
  • A man riding astride two galloping horses blows bubbles from a pipe. Line block process print.
  • A variety of fossils characteristic of the carboniferous system. Line block.
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  • Above, a sledge dog; below, the head of a white bear. Coloured line block after A. M. Skene.
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