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10,514 results filtered with: Lithographs
  • A rash of eczema on the sole of a foot, showing symptoms of pompholyx. Colour lithograph after Mracek (?), ca. 1905.
  • A condom with an open packet and the message in French: "Those who believe there is a vaccine against AIDS - this is what it looks like"; advertisement by Ministére des Affaires Sociales de la Santé et de la Ville. Colour lithograph by M. Descottes, 1995 (?).
  • A coachman with a riding whip stands in front of a carriage, raises his hat, and offers a ride to Charenton. Coloured lithograph by E.J. Pigal.
  • Decorated columns under the portico of the temple at Dendera, Egypt. Coloured lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1848.
  • A woman points out of a car window as she sits next to her partner: family planning in Nigeria. Colour lithograph by Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria, ca. 2000.
  • A zoo with giraffes, tigers, and a peacock. Coloured lithograph.
  • Oliver Caswell and Laura Bridgman reading embossed letters from a book. Lithograph by W. Sharp, 1844, after A. Fisher.
  • François Vincent Raspail. Lithograph.
  • Pietro di Munegato. Lithograph by A. Sorgato, 1858.
  • Acupuncture points (?) marked on the head, arm and body of a figure: five figures. Coloured lithograph, 1863.
  • Varieties of condoms representing an advertisement for safe sex and AIDS Hotlines by the CATF Columbus AIDS Task Force. Colour lithograph.
  • Recto: a woman holds up a condom to a man in bed as cupid aims to shoot a heart arrow towards them; verso: numerous cupids with condoms attached to his arrow with four cartoon vignettes and text relating to safe sex, STI's and condoms; an advertisement by SOA Stichting. Colour lithograph by Gerrit de Jager, January 1992.
  • Sébastien Guillié. Lithograph by C. Motte after S. J. Le Gros.
  • Apollinaire Bouchardat. Lithograph by J.B.A. Lafosse, 1868, after Pierson.
  • Illustrations and text explaining how AIDS cannot be transmitted from sharing clothes, drinking cups etc.; one of a series of educational posters issued by the Committed Communities Development Trust in Mumbai. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • A factory for earthenware, surrounded by vignettes showing the use of clay products. Lithograph by P.A. Belin and C. Bethmont.
  • A Spanish barber playing the guitar. Coloured lithograph by C. de Lasteyrie after Hippolyte Lecomte.
  • Statue at the temple at Wadi Saboua, Egypt. Coloured lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1849.
  • Three ghoulish faces attacking three figures wearing white coats bearing the letters 'T'; one of a series of fact sheets about AIDS and HIV. Colour lithograph by MB.
  • Two profile faces, one with dotted shapes as facial features, advertising the 4th International Conference for People with HIV/AIDS in Madrid from 23rd to 27th May 1990; organised by the Comité Ciudadano Anti-SIDA. Colour lithograph, 1990.
  • A jagged yellow, blue and red design with four vignettes representing relationships and messages in German emphasizing self-help by AIDS patients: ; ; an advertisment for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph for the for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V., 1996.
  • Animal skull, shown from beneath, above and from the side. Lithograph by R. Ball, 1857.
  • A man in a striped t-shirt with his arm around another man who helps him to walk down a hospital corridor with a wheelchair and drip stand near by; with an appeal for support for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe donation account for the special care of the sick. Colour lithograph by Ingo Taubhorn and Wolfgang Mudra.
  • The sun with a smiling face and a condom with the message in French: "On holiday I forget everything except a condom"; a safe sex advertisement by the Ministère des Affaires Sociales de la Santé et de la ville, L'Europe contre le SIDA and the SIDA Info Service. Colour lithograph by L'Agence Verte.
  • New York State Soldiers' Depot, New York City: the hospital. Colour lithograph, 1864.
  • The heads and shoulders of five male hair-dressers. Coloured lithograph by Jules Platier, 1840.
  • A teddy bear with a speech bubble above containing the words in German: 'My best friend is soon to be seven and has AIDS. Please help us'; an appeal for donations to help children with AIDS by the Kinder-AIDS-Hilfe Deutschland e.V. [KAH] Colour lithograph by Christian Schuster and HDM Eggert.
  • Cartoon gay men sitting chatting on chairs with speech bubbles containing information on Schwulenberatung, an open discussion group and counseling service for gay men. Colour lithograph, 199-.
  • An American serviceman clutching the letters "VD" like prison-bars from which he yearns to be released. Colour lithograph, ca. 1950 (?).
  • China: protection against nuclear, chemical and germ warfare. Colour lithographs, 1971.