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493 results filtered with: Birds
  • A female figure with a vacuum pump; representing physics or 'natural philosophy'. Stipple engraving, 1795, after C-N. Cochin the younger, c. 1773.
  • Trandate tablets : lesser whitethroat.
  • Birds of the meadow shown in their natural surroundings. Coloured lithograph by P. Trap.
  • Johnson's quality products / Johnson's Veterinary Products Ltd.
  • Punishments of Hell. Chromolithograph.
  • Three ruffs. Etching by F. Place after himself.
  • Hunting: snares for catching ground-feeding birds, and musical notation of bird-song. Engraving, c.1762 by B.-L. Prevost.
  • Title page to Avium vivae icones adorned with two cherubs and various birds. Engraving by A. Collaert, ca. 1610.
  • A bat and three fully dressed birds flying by moonlight. Watercolour by G. Hope Tait, ca. 1900.
  • Various birds in flight, including eagles, a heron, a pigeon and ducks. Etching after F. Barlow.
  • Birds of the town shown in their natural surroundings. Coloured lithograph by P. Trap.
  • Two birds, one a magpie, set in natural surroundings. Etching by A. Collaert, 17th century.
  • A barn owl, long eared owl, raven, magpie and crow. Coloured etching by Lizars.
  • A frigate bird. Etching with engraving.
  • An unusual degree of tolerance ... Paynocil : the ox-pecker.
  • Four dead birds, including two pheasants and a jay. Etching by J. Scott, ca. 1817, after S. Elmer.
  • A type of plover. Etching.
  • A great bustard. Coloured etching.
  • A bird: a ring-ouzel. Coloured engraving.
  • A long-tailed bird: the violaceous jay (Corvus violaceus). Etching by Noble after C. R. Ryley.
  • Piriton the most widely prescribed antihistamine : blue titmouse.
  • Hunting: nets for catching ground birds. Engraving, c.1762.
  • A sparrow-hawk. Etching by W. Hayes, ca. 1780.
  • Trandate tablets : thrush.
  • Ventolin tablets-2mg and 4mg spandets, syrup : ringed dotterel (plover).
  • Becotide (beclomethasone dipropionate BP), inhaler and rotacaps : bullfinch.
  • A jay and a goldfinch set in natural surroundings. Etching by A. Collaert.
  • A bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus). Chromolithograph by W. Greve after A. Thorburn, ca. 1885.
  • Some good reasons for using Sunlight Soap / [Lever Brothers Ltd.].
  • A pair of kagou birds (Rhinochaetus jubatus) with one displaying to the other. Wood engraving by F.J. Gauchard after A. Mesnel.