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165 results filtered with: Constipation - drug therapy
  • Ethical products of Fletcher, Fletcher & Co. Ltd., prescribable on form E.C.10.
  • Words of comfort / [Dr. Jayne Company].
  • Headache cured : Dr. Mettaur's Headache Pills, a certain relief. Twenty-five cents.
  • Burdock Blood Bitters : invalid ladies : this is for you.
  • Indigestion and constipation : Guy's Tonic Treatment.
  • Duphalac : revolutionises the management of constipation.
  • The Counter Adjunct : No. 291 (new series) March, 1916 : The Morning Salt.
  • Dr. Mettaur's Headache Pills : a sure cure. Twenty-five cents.
  • Dr. Hand's remedies for children : pleasant physic, colic cure, teething lotion, worm elixir, diarrhoea mixture, general tonic, cough and croup medicine, chafing powder.
  • Duphalac : suspends the monthly sentence of dysmenorrhoea.
  • Duphalac : revolutionises the management of constipation.
  • CICFA : cures indigestion constipation flatulence acidity.
  • For constipation biliousness sick headache complexion : Carter's Little Liver Pills.
  • "California Syrup of Figs" : nature's pleasant laxative.
  • Ayer's cathartic pills : a safe, pleasant and reliable family medicine / Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co.
  • Invalid ladies : this is for you : Burdock Blood Bitters.
  • Headache cured : Dr. Mettaur's headache pills : a certain relief / Brown Chemical Company.
  • Folks you meet. The Great North American Pie Biter orders pie for breakfast, dinner and supper regardless of cost ...
  • For constipation biliousness sick headache complexion : Carter's Little Liver Pills.
  • Ethical products of Fletcher, Fletcher & Co. Ltd., prescribable on form E.C.10.
  • The rational treatment for constipation : Petrolax preparations are an ideal form of medication.
  • CICFA : cures indigestion constipation flatulence acidity.
  • Burdock Blood Bitters.
  • Duphalac : suspends the monthly sentence of dysmenorrhoea.
  • In future CICFA will be known as "Mother's Advice".
  • 'Tabloid' Laxative Vegetable : a vegetable combination of exceptional purity, particularly valuable where aperients of inorganic origin are contra-indicated.
  • CICFA : cures indigestion constipation flatulence acidity.
  • A safe & simple home treatment : Coutt's Acid : over 40 years before the public and steadily gaining in popularity.
  • To the health : Burdock Blood Bitters.
  • Admiration : Burdock Blood Bitters.