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3,981 results filtered with: Drug Industry
  • Hygroton Geigy.
  • Ferrous-Om, hierro estable en altas dosis con vitaminas ... : Calciocolina, sacaronato de calcio y colina al 22% ... / Laboratorios Om.
  • Sarcoptina para las parasitosis de la piel : Doctor: les evitará el martirio de la hora de la comida recetándole: Anorexol que despierta el apetito / Laboratorios "Drean".
  • Ferraplex B effective, well-tolerated, oral therapy of iron-deficiency anaemia. 6, Arenicola.
  • Léciferrine : therapeutique ferrugineus (ni styptique. ni indigeste).
  • The Counter Adjunct : No. 291 (new series) March, 1916 : The Morning Salt.
  • Morison's Pills : the wonderful power of the pills exemplified showing the same person before and after having taken a dose : dedicated with profound respect to all true disciples of Esculapius, more especially to the Royal College of Physicians / by Pilula Rhubarbus, M.D., Professor of Phlebotomy to the Royal Islington abattoirs : sung by Mr. Fitzwilliam.
  • Intravenosa ... Novocaina : Tos ... Ticarda / Hoechst A.G. ; representantes: Farmaceutica Hoechst Mexicana, S.A.
  • Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil : for internal & external use. For sale by all druggists.
  • Two paintings by Kapp.
  • Increase your turnover this spring and summer : hay fever Neophryn - now with antihistamine new for hay fever.
  • Beecham passport break away : Beecham toiletries.
  • Hormone 'Linguets' : the direct route from mouth to target organs.
  • Scabiplastine : pate colloïdale soufrée zwavelhoudende zalf.
  • He's back with a better routine : Amoxil a virtuoso performer in chest infections.
  • Ferrous-Om, hierro estable en altas dosis con vitaminas ... : Calciocolina, sacaronato de calcio y colina al 22% ... / Laboratorios Om.
  • Glandiposan / Gedeon Richter (América), S.A.
  • What you should know about Medac : medac cream heals spots, pimples, acne-quickly! (please read this leaflet carefully).
  • A new Bayer product 'Seominal' ...
  • When pain is severe DF118 subdues the pain but not the patient : life, death, and the British.
  • No. 1 of a series of modern flower paintings by Edmond X. Kapp : Red Anemones (1955) : contemporary treatment.
  • Trasentina : el antiespasmódico sintético / CIBA de Mexico, S.A.
  • Resyl Name geschützt CIBA (Glyzerinäther des Guajakols) : gut resorbierbares Guajakol-Präparat.
  • Otosporin drops : to soothe and clear the infected ear Otosporin drops.
  • Triptafen-DA combined antidepressant and tranquilliser amitriptyline hydrochloride and perphenazine : large white.
  • Liranol : clorhidrato de promacina "Wyeth" para tratamientos de alcoholicos, picopatas y narcomanos agitados / Laboratorios Wyeth Interamericanos Inc.
  • You don't need a fortune to stock Suavitil.
  • When pollen's hovering... : Rynacrom : disodium cromoglycate for hay fever.
  • Suero Pancar antitoxemico ... : Filavar bismuto hidrosoluble / Pancar S.A.
  • Real relief required : for pain of all dimensions prescribe Doxypol first.