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302 results filtered with: Families
  • Did you know? : a guide to services for African users / Uganda AIDS Action Fund.
  • The Virgin Mary with the infant Jesus, Zacharias holds the infant John the Baptist. Line engraving by G.B. Pasqualini, 1621, after G.F. Barbieri.
  • A family standing on grass next to a tree in the sunshine representing a family happy in the knowledge that they have been educated about HIV and AIDS; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the Hong Kong AIDS Foundation, among others. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. Engraving by J. Sadeler after M. de Vos.
  • A sick man gazes in a melancholy way, while his family and pets play. Coloured etching, c. 1820.
  • A French supporter of the Paris Commune prefers to throw an incendiary bomb to advance equality, while a British workman prefers to smoke his pipe in the interests of liberty. Wood engraving by J. Swain, ca. 1871, after Sir J. Tenniel.
  • A physician examining the children of a poor Italian family. Lithograph by F. van Loo after E. de Jans.
  • A communal house, the men sit drinking around a table while the women look after the children, weave hay and the older children cook. Engraving by C. Bouzonnet Stella after J. Stella.
  • Alcoholism as a monstrous boa constrictor which forces a man to drink from a bottle held in its jaws, and crushes him and his wife and children. Colour lithograph by M. Biro, 19--.
  • A drunken man returns home to his despairing wife and children. Coloured lithograph, c. 1840, after T. Wilson.
  • A family setting off on a journey have missed the coach which is disappearing into the distance. Engraving by Joseph Rolls after J.J. Chalon.
  • Four figures on ladders painting the words 'Stop AIDS' representing an advertisement for AIDS and the family, an event to mark World AIDS Day on 1 December 1994? in Japan. Colour lithograph, ca. 1994.
  • The family of Jean Calas sit listening to Alexandre Lavaysse reading a letter from Calas after his execution. Engraving by J.B. Delafosse, 1765, after L.C. De Carmontelle.
  • A boy telling his aunt the advantages of placing her name on the Social Register. Wood engraving after C. Keene, 1869.
  • Six figures passing the time with various entertainments. Mezzotint by J. Wilson, 1771, after G.M. Kraus.
  • A man sitting at a table with a cup and saucer, another holding a skateboard, and another sitting on a sofa representing a gay family; advertisement for International Year of the Family by the Human Rights Commission in 1994. Colour lithograph by Matthew McKee.
  • A six-sided pamphlet advertising the year of the family, World AIDS Day, 1st December 1993 by the World Health Organization, Global Programme on AIDS; front page illustrates a group of men, women and children of various races stand on a pink circle representing the world with red spiked balls floating around them. Colour lithograph.
  • A man sits and paints a picture of the exiled Adam and Eve; his wife suckles a baby; representing the thirtieth year of life. Engraving by Conrad Meyer, 16--.
  • A communal house, the men sit drinking around a table while the women look after the children, weave hay and the older children cook. Engraving by C. Bouzonnet Stella after J. Stella.
  • A man recuperating in bed at a receiving-house of the Royal Humane Society, after resuscitation by W. Hawes and J.C. Lettsom from near drowning. Engraving by R. Pollard, 1787, after R. Smirke.
  • People stand under a freestanding green umbrella which protects them from the rain; representing the protection conferred by the Infectious Diseases Prevention and Cure Law (Revised) in China in 2004. Colour lithograph, 2004.
  • King George II and Queen Caroline with their ten children (?). Etching.
  • A healthy family free of AIDS. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • A couple sitting with their three children with a warning in Arabic about AIDS against a larger faded impression of the couple. Colour lithograph by The Artshop, ca. 1995.
  • Did you know? : a guide to services for African users / Uganda AIDS Action Fund.
  • Saint Anne with her child, the Virgin Mary. Engraving by Salvardi.
  • A shepherd's family saying grace at the meal table with a sheep dog sitting under the father's chair. Mezzotint with engraving by Edward Burton, 1851, after Alexander George Fraser.
  • A male patient surrounded by his family discussing his illness with a physician. Engraving.
  • Two homeless orphans (a girl and a young woman) singing ballads to a family. Engraving by J. Romney after W. Gill.
  • Seven scenes illustrating the importance of solidarity within the family in the face of AIDS within a grid like structure; an advertisement by the Comunidad de Madrid and Comité Ciudadano Anti-SIDA. Colour lithograph, 1990.