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693 results filtered with: France
  • Un été avec qui? : le préservatif te protège quand le désir te rend vulnérable / SNEG.
  • Ne restez pas sans réponses / Hépatites Info Service.
  • Les obus de Choumara / P. Lachambeaudie.
  • Urgent : faire avancer la lutte contre le SIDA, c'est faire avancer la société toute entière : en Ile-de-France l'association AIDES se rapproche de vous! / AIDES.
  • Leur rendre santé et joie : 3 fr. : [greenish brown] / Mutualité Postale.
  • James II and Louis XIV and their allies portrayed as inmates of a lunatic asylum. Etching by R. de Hooghe, 1688.
  • Jules Grévy takes the pulse of Marshal Macmahon, who lies sick in bed with a priest and another man; they are choking from the fumes of their burning bed; Léon Gambetta emerges from behind the scenes carrying a clyster. Coloured wood engraving, 1879.
  • Leur rendre santé et joie : 3 fr. : [magenta] / Mutualité Postale.
  • Five senior French army officers in military dress: two administrators, the chief surgeon, a pharmacist and a physician, ca. 1804. Coloured lithograph by G. David, ca. 1858, after A. de Marbot.
  • Anne and Philippe stand talking and smiling on a balcony holding cups with a condom and message about how tonight they will use protection and lubricant to make love; advertisement for the SIDA Info Service by the Ministère de la Santé Publique et de l'Assurance Maladie. Colour lithograph.
  • A giant mosquito trying to attack a French soldier who is protected by a mosquito net. Colour lithograph after H. Stephany, 1917.
  • A stamp showing Einar Holbøll; representing the need for contributions to help the tuberculous. Colour lithograph after R. Serres, 1954.
  • A French hospital for wounded soldiers, World War I: three staff listen for a patient's heart beat and a doctor reads a man's pulse. Colour lithograph after L. Ibels, 1916.
  • Ne restez pas sans réponses / Hépatites Info Service.
  • Il a sauvé encore plus de vies que B....n et R...n : contre le VIH et les autres IST, les préservatifs sont les plus grand des héros / SNEG, prévention ; conception graphique: Lucas Descroix.
  • Louisa Mabreé, a French midwife being executed in a cage full of cats above a fire. Coloured aquatint.
  • Première enquête nationale sur la bisexualité : visibilité, représentations, préjugés.. : les premiers résultats / Bi'Cause, le Mouvement d'Affirmation des Jeunes LGBT, SOS Homophobie, ACT Up-Paris.
  • Journal d'info mai 2011 : L'ANRS prépare un essai important pour l'avenir de la prévention chez les gays / ANRS, IPERGAY.
  • Three men handing out wine from a high wooden structure to a drunken hoard clutching large jugs, etc. Aquatint, c. 1822.
  • A French hospital for wounded soldiers, World War I: an operating room with an anxious surgeon and fainting nurses. Colour lithograph after L. Ibels, 1916.
  • A French hospital for wounded soldiers, World War I: patients seated at a drunken dinner table and two bedridden patients with some meagre chips. Colour lithograph after L. Ibels, 1916.
  • An alcoholic man with delirium tremens on his deathbed, surrounded by his terrified family. Colour lithograph after E. Burnand, ca. 1900 (?).
  • [Stamp-like sticker sold to raise funds for the French Red Cross. Bearing a portrait of: Gal. D'Urbal].
  • A woman's dress and a man's pair of trousers hanging over a chair with a message addressed to Valérie: "When you make love with Sophie, think about protection ... to avoid spreading sexually transmitted diseases and HIV"; advertisement for the SIDA Info Service by the Ministère de la Santé Publique et de l'Assurance Maladie. Colour lithograph.
  • SIDA : en parler, ça aide ... / Sida Info Service.
  • An Italian bandit offering a French gentleman the piebald one of three 'hottentot' (steatopygous) women; representing Louis Sambon and Raphael Blanchard at an international medical congress. Halftone after M.S. Orr, 1913.
  • Gay ligne éco : 08 91 71  22 22 : SNEG, partenaire des lieux festifs : préservatif pris en charge par votre établissement ...
  • The royal pharmacopoea, Galenical and chymical, according to the practice of the most eminent and learned physitians of France. And publish'd with their several approbations / By Moses Charas ... Faithfully englished. Illustrated with several copper plates.
  • Sex symbol : le préservatif est le seul moyen de se protéger du VIH et des autres infections sexuellement transmissibles / SNEG.
  • Le Hâvre : l'entrée du port.