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62 results filtered with: Geology
  • The geology of the South-East of England / By Gideon Mantell.
  • Geology: the grotto at Antiparos (exterior). Etching by G. Cruikshank after John Auldjo.
  • Narrative of a journey to Morocco, in 1863 and 1864 : with geological annotations / [Thomas Hodgkin].
  • Mineralogical travels through the Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland Islands, and mainland of Scotland, with dissertations upon peat and kelp / By Robert Jameson.
  • The Museum of Practical Geology, Piccadilly: the interior. Wood engraving by C. D. Laing, 1848, after B. Sly.
  • Geology: the grotto at Antiparos (interior). Etching by G. Cruikshank after John Auldjo.
  • Geography: comparative heights of mountains in South America. Aquatint, 1818.
  • Atlas accompanying the report on the geology of a portion of the Uinta Mountains and a region of country adjacent thereto / by J.W. Powell.
  • Geology: two visitors being shown the attractions of Peak Cave, Derbyshire. Engraving, 1803.
  • Geology: a long section through mountains, and a volcano, showing strata, and, above, classes of animals. Coloured engraving by J. Fisher after T. Webster and F. Buckland.
  • Geology: an outcrop of basalt columns by the sea. Engraving by J. Chapman.
  • Geological atlas projected to illustrate geographic explorations and surveys west of the 100th meridian of longitude : prosecuted in accordance with Acts of Congress under the authority of the Honorable the Secretary of War, and the direction of A.A. Humphreys, embracing results of the different expeditions under Geo. M. Wheeler.
  • Scholars attending a lecture in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Coloured lithograph printed by C. Hullmandel after N. Whittock.
  • Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Jesu Mundus subterraneus, in XII libros digestus; qvo divinum subterrestris mundi opificium, mira ergasteriorum naturae in eo distributio, verbo Pantamorphon Protei regnum, universae denique naturae majestas et divitiae summa rerum varietate exponuntur. Abditorum effectuum causae acri indagine inquisitae demonstrantur; cognitae per artis et naturae conjugium ad humanae vitae necessarium usum vario experimentorum apparatu, necnon novo modo, et ratione applicantur. Ad Alexandrum VII. pont. opt. max. Editio tertia, ad fidem scripti exemplaris recognita, & prioribus emendatior: tum ab auctore Româ submissis variis observationibus novisque figuris auctior ... / [Athanasius Kircher].
  • Geological atlas projected to illustrate geographic explorations and surveys west of the 100th meridian of longitude : prosecuted in accordance with Acts of Congress under the authority of the Honorable the Secretary of War, and the direction of A.A. Humphreys, embracing results of the different expeditions under Geo. M. Wheeler.
  • Geology: two soldiers being shown the interior of Poca Roca Cave. Coloured aquatint, 1801.
  • Geology: sections of the Dorset and Devonshire coastline, showing types of rock. Coloured lithograph by G. Scharf after H. Cornish.
  • Athanasii Kircheri ... Mundus subterraneus, in XII libros digestus; quo divinum subterrestris mundi opificium, mira ergasteriorum naturae in eo distributio, verbo pantámorphou Protei regnum, universae denique naturae majestas et divitiae summa rerum varietate exponuntur / Abditorum effectuum causae acri indagine inquisitae demonstrantur; cognitae per artis et naturae conjugium ad humanae vitae necessarium usum vario experimentorum apparatu, necnon novo modo, et ratione applicantur.
  • Principles of geology, being an attempt to explain the former changes of the earth's surface, by reference to causes now in operation / By Charles Lyell, esq.
  • Astronomy: a section through the earth, showing the atmosphere. Engraving.
  • Narrative of a journey to Morocco, in 1863 and 1864 : with geological annotations / [Thomas Hodgkin].
  • Geology: various kinds of rocks and geological features. Engraving by R. Scott.
  • Geography: the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone Park. Coloured lithograph after T.H. Thomas.
  • Geological atlas projected to illustrate geographic explorations and surveys west of the 100th meridian of longitude : prosecuted in accordance with Acts of Congress under the authority of the Honorable the Secretary of War, and the direction of A.A. Humphreys, embracing results of the different expeditions under Geo. M. Wheeler.
  • Mineralogical travels through the Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland Islands, and mainland of Scotland, with dissertations upon peat and kelp / By Robert Jameson.
  • Geology: comparative heights of mountains. Coloured engraving by S. Hall, 1817.
  • Geography: a grouping of the highest mountains and waterfalls, and the longest rivers. Coloured mixed method engraving after C. V. Monin.
  • Principles of geology, or, The modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants considered as illustrative of geology / Sir Charles Lyell.
  • Geography: marvels of the natural world. Mixed method engraving by S. Himely after A.M. Perrot.
  • Geology: various crystalline substances. Coloured lithograph by A. Pralon after G. Pouchet.