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321 results filtered with: Helplines
  • AIDS: the facts ... : What does Taking Care mean for you? / Lothian Health Board.
  • Silhouettes of people with hearts walking representing an advertisement for the AIDS Walk for Life in Edmonton Canada, Sunday Oct 4 1992. Colour lithograph after Keith Haring.
  • An exploding star with a rainbow of coloured ribbons and the earth beyond with a quote from Bertrand Russell; an advertisement for the AIDS helpline by the New York State Health Department. Colour lithograph.
  • Four decorative Maori figures within a red oval representing an advertisement for Whakapuakitanga, a support group for young gay or bisexual Māori men; advertisement by the NZ AIDS Foundation and Te Roopu Tautoko Trust. Colour lithograph by Paul Henckel [?], 1993.
  • A long list of different types of people from 'uncle' to bisexual' surrounding the vertical words 'AIDS' and below, 'does not discriminate'; advertisement for the AIDS hotline by the SUNY Purchase College in New York. Colour lithograph by BRIana G. Weiner.
  • A woman drug-user in a white jacket, belted striped top and sunglasses leans against a wall in an alleyway with a message about why she stopped sharing needles; part of the Project Safe campaign by Denver AIDS Prevention. Colour lithograph by Daniel Montano, 1991.
  • Hospital visitors / Body Positive.
  • Cartoon figures using condoms in a variety of different ways; advertising sexual advice services offered by youth health workers in Hagen and the AIDS-Hilfe Hagen e.V. Lithograph after Thilo Krapp.
  • ASK, Active Source of Knowledge : if you want to know the answer, ask the experts : the national AIDS helpline 0800 567 123 ...
  • A family standing on grass next to a tree in the sunshine representing a family happy in the knowledge that they have been educated about HIV and AIDS (Chinese version); an AIDS prevention advertisement by the Hong Kong AIDS Foundation, among others. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A white telephone advertising AIDS counselling services offered by Health Authorities and voluntary organizations; with the message ''AIDS does not come from playing". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, 199-.
  • Two faces beside the dial of a telephone bearing the helpline number '01 461 08 00' representing an advertisement for the support group 'Arbeitsgruppe Frau und AIDS' for women with AIDS by the AIDS-Hilfe Zürich. Colour lithograph by M. Fischer.
  • A is for AIDS / Sanctuary.
  • Worried or concerned about HIV or AIDS : Sanctuary Pal Line : AIDS doesn't mean you have to be afraid or alone / Sanctuary.
  • A warning that AIDS can be stopped by avoiding casual sex, using condoms, not taking drugs, or used syringes; with the numero verte helpline number; an advertisement by the Ministere della Sanità Commisione nazionale per la lotta contro l'AIDS. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • On m'avait dit que t'avais beaucoup de sex appeal... : mais j'avais pas compris que sexe "à pile", moi... / Ligne Azur.
  • Après un test VIH ne laissez pas vos questions sans réponses / Sida Info Service.
  • HIV positive? : Body Positive help line 01-373 9124 : daily 7-10pm : answered by individuals who are themselves HIV positive / Boody Positive.
  • A. L. Sánchez, a man wearing a hard hat with details of his age, profession, interests and the fact that he has AIDS with the message in Catalan, 'AIDS affects us all'; an AIDS warning by Actua vallès. Colour lithograph by Estudi Accent, ca. 1997.
  • A map of Ireland with figures and Aids helpline numbers; advertisement by the Southern Health Board. Colour lithograph by Kieran O'Connor, November 1992.
  • AIDS: the facts ... : What does Taking Care mean for you? / Lothian Health Board.
  • With compliments : Cardiff AIDS Helpline, Llinell Gymorth AIDS Caerdydd.
  • Helpline and support services offered by the Cork Aids Alliance and Cairde for those with HIV/AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • Three numbered diagrams on how to sterilise needles with the message to protect yourself and others against HIV; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the Folkehelsa Statens Institutt for Folkehelse (Norwegian Institute of Public Health). Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A pink heart with a green condom in front, and a message that plays on the conjugation of 'préserver' (to protect); advertising the SIDA Info Service by FTPJ. Colour lithograph.
  • What is Body Positive : Body P{ostive is for women, menand children affected by HIV or AIDS / Body Positive.
  • Annie Söderberg, a social worker in Stockholm and a pioneer in addiction treatment; with the message in Swedish 'You must take the love game seriously'. Lithograph by Ted Bates, ca. 1995.
  • AIDS is caused by a virus, HIV : once you have HIV your body's defences can have trouble fighting off other diseases. There is no cure or vaccine for AIDS ... / Lothian Health Board.
  • Certaines fois, après l'envie il y a la doute : faites un test VIH / Sida Info Service.
  • The head and shoulders of a man wearing a tie and checked shirt with the message in French: "Tracking down AIDS for oneself or simply for one another"; an advertisement for an AIDS helpline by Mairie de Paris. Colour lithograph, by Pamela Hanson.