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60 results filtered with: Medical screening
  • A white liver bird on a shield, and a message endorsing Liverpool's x-ray campaign against tuberculosis. Colour lithograph, 1959.
  • Five images of busy street scenes in Japan representing an advertisement for the Stop AIDS campaign. Colour lithograph, ca. 1994.
  • A series of questions and answers about the HIV test, one of a series of posters in an advertising campaign about AIDS by the Agence Française Lutte Contre le SIDA. Colour lithograph.
  • Charles Håkansson, a doctor for gay men at the Sahlgrenska Hospital in Gothenburg. Lithograph by Ted Bates, ca. 1995.
  • A health information sheet on how to get an AIDS test featuring an illustration of a man having a blood test by Beaver Masigo. Colour lithograph, ca. 1992.
  • Rows of the faces of women, some with death masks, representing women with AIDS; advertisment for free HIV/AIDS tests by the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs. Colour lithograph by Kerr and Malley, 1992.
  • The faces of two women, a clock and some pills representing an advertisement by the SIDA Info Service and AIDES, the support group for those with HIV/AIDS. Colour lithograph by Création Question d'Édition and Amos.
  • A group of men some of whom are HIV positive representing an advertisement for the HIV test and the AIDS hotline. Colour lithograph.
  • A black woman in a yellow jumper holds a baby with his rattle on her knee representing a warning to potential mothers to take an AIDS test by the New York State Health Department. Colour lithograph.
  • Information on what to do if an HIV test is positive representing one of a series of posters in an advertising campaign about AIDS by the Agence Française Lutte Contre le SIDA. Colour lithograph.
  • A black man in a blue jumper and red shirt holding a baby on his knee representing a warning to potential fathers to take the AIDS test by the New York State Health Department. Colour lithograph.
  • List of services provided by the Gay Men's Health Project. Colour lithograph.
  • The blurred face of a woman representing an HIV positive woman; an advertisement for the AIDS helplines in Neubrandenburg and Rostock. Colour lithograph by G&J Photoservice/Picture Press and Langenhan, 1996.
  • Four male couples wearing t-shirts bearing the slogans 'testing', ' treatment', 'trials' and 'triumphs'; advertisement for early advocacy and care for HIV by the Department of Public Health of San Francisco. Colour lithograph by John Tomlinson and Ira Nowinski.
  • A blue background bearing the white lettering: "Fragen Sie ihren Arzt, was am "AIDS-Test" positiv und negativ ist" [Ask your doctor what the "AIDS test" positive and negative is]; an advertisement by the Swiss Physicians [FMH] and Swiss Federal Office of Public Health [BAG]. Colour lithograph.
  • A smiling woman representing the National Cervical Cancer Screening Program in Kenya. Colour lithograph by UNFPA, ca. 2000.
  • A dark blue background bearing the white lettering: "Chiedete al vostro medico quali sono gli aspetti positivi e negativi del "test dell' AIDS" [Ask your doctor what are the pros and cons of the "test of 'AIDS]; an advertisement by the Swiss Physicians [FMH] and Swiss Federal Office of Public Health [UFSP]. Colour lithograph.
  • An advertisement for the AIDS test by the Agence Prevention SIDA, le Generaliste and the Societé Scientifique de Médecine Générale, an AIDS prevention, quarterly periodical supplement for April 1993. Colour lithograph by Infor SIDA, April 1993.
  • A white liver bird representing Liverpool's x-ray campaign against tuberculosis. Lithograph, 1959.
  • A white liver bird on a shield and messages to people in Liverpool advocating chest x-rays for diagnosis of tuberculosis. Colour lithograph, 1959.
  • A pair of hands, a heart and birds in flight representing an advertisement for the Canadian HIV Trials Network. Colour lithograph by Beverly Deutsch.
  • Five images of busy street scenes in Japan representing an advertisement for the Stop AIDS campaign. Colour lithograph, ca. 1994.
  • A computer screen bearing the words: "Informations sur le SIDA 3615 AIDS" with an index of available information; advertisement by AIDES. Colour lithograph.
  • A man putting his arms around another man who appears love-struck with the words 'SIDA i vida' (AIDS and life); an advertisement for information and advice on AIDS by the El Comité Ciutadà de Lluita Contra la SIDA in collaboration with the Ajuntament de Barcelona. Colour lithograph by Marc Taeger, ca. 1996.
  • A white liver bird, and messages to people in Liverpool advocating chest x-rays for diagnosis of tuberculosis. Colour lithograph, 1959.
  • The number five in purple and yellow with a list of five things to do before you have sex; advertisement for Sunnye Sherman AIDS Education Services at the Whitman-Walker Clinic Inc., Washington by the DC Department of Human Services. Colour lithograph.
  • A cartoon couple looking in opposite directions through magnifying glasses; warning pregnant women to take a test for HIV. Colour lithograph after Pat for the Commisione nazionale per la lotta contro l'AIDS, ca. 1995.
  • Explanation on how to test for HIV; thirtheenth of sixteen advertisement posters by the American Red Cross promoting education about AIDS. Colour lithograph, 1990.
  • A man's torso with a gun as a penis and a warning about the need for HIV testing; advertisement by the Roanoke City Health Department. Lithograph.
  • A naked man with a towel around his neck and his arms folded representing an advertisement for HIV tests, safe sex and a warning about sharing needles by the Life Foundation. Colour lithograph by Douglas Simonson.