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128 results filtered with: Monsters
  • Two human figures with abnormalities
  • Virgil and Dante sitting on the back of Geryon to be transported from the 8th to the 7th circle of Hell. Etching by B. Pinelli, 1825.
  • Three figures with abnormalities, One figure has a human body with a ducks head, the second figure has a Lions body with a human head and the third has a human body with webbed feet and hands
  • Prodigiorum ac ostentorum chronicon, : quae praeter naturae ordinem, motum, et operationem, et in superioribus & his inferioribus mundi regionibus, ... / per Conradum Lycosthenem.
  • A woman with scales on her upper body and grossly enlarged lower limbs. Watercolour, 1695.
  • A three-headed eagle in a crowned alchemical flask, representing mercury sublimated three times. Watercolour painting by E.A. Ibbs.
  • A room with hallucinatory beings and weird furnishings. Watercolour by Auguste Laurent, 1844.
  • A monster with poisonous slime oozing from its mouth; representing sexually transmitted diseases in Germany after World War II. Colour lithograph after H. Ehlers, 1946.
  • Prodigiorum ac ostentorum chronicon, : quae praeter naturae ordinem, motum, et operationem, et in superioribus & his inferioribus mundi regionibus, ... / per Conradum Lycosthenem.
  • Prodigiorum ac ostentorum chronicon, : quae praeter naturae ordinem, motum, et operationem, et in superioribus & his inferioribus mundi regionibus, ... / per Conradum Lycosthenem.
  • Prodigiorum ac ostentorum chronicon, : quae praeter naturae ordinem, motum, et operationem, et in superioribus & his inferioribus mundi regionibus, ... / per Conradum Lycosthenem.
  • Multiple breasted woman
  • A room with hallucinatory beings and weird furnishings. Watercolour by Auguste Laurent, 1844.
  • Opera nela quale vi e molti mostri de tutte le parti del mondo antichi et moderni con le dechiarationi a ciascheduno sina [sic] al presente anno 1585 / Joanne Baptista de Cavalleriis lagherino incisore.
  • The four horsemen of the Apocalypse galloping through the clouds. Woodcut, 16th century.
  • Fever, represented as a frenzied beast, stands racked in the centre of a room, while a blue monster, representing ague, ensnares his victim by the fireside; a doctor writes prescriptions to the right. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson after J. Dunthorne, 1788.
  • Two wretches fighting in mid-air being grabbed by monsters. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/1798.
  • Prodigiorum ac ostentorum chronicon, : quae praeter naturae ordinem, motum, et operationem, et in superioribus & his inferioribus mundi regionibus, ... / per Conradum Lycosthenem.
  • The heads of a two-headed calf, stuffed and mounted. Halftone.
  • A Siamese Twin
  • An egg with a human head covered with snakes.
  • Three human figures with abnormalities
  • An unconscious naked man lying on a table being attacked by little demons armed with surgical instruments; representing the effects of chloroform on the human body. Watercolour by R. Cooper.
  • A naked witch watching a seated monster grabbing a jumping goat by its hind leg. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/1798.
  • A three headed monster in an alchemical flask, representing the composition of the alchemical philosopher's stone: salt, sulphur, and mercury. Watercolour painting by E.A. Ibbs.
  • A pair of fabulous creatures, human in appearance but with the heads of animals. Gouache painting by an Persian artist, ca. 1600 (?).
  • A cat born with two heads. Engraving by J. Chevillet, 1756, after J. De Sève.
  • Sharabha, with eight arms and the body of a winged lion. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Two elderly women in bed, disturbed from sleep by a nightmare vision of "The monster" (R. Williams), 1790. Drawing.
  • Opera nela quale vi e molti mostri de tutte le parti del mondo antichi et moderni con le dechiarationi a ciascheduno sina [sic] al presente anno 1585 / Joanne Baptista de Cavalleriis lagherino incisore.