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91 results filtered with: Ocean
  • Varāha raising the earth from the bottom of the ocean and trampling on the demon Hiranyāksha. Gouache drawing.
  • Carlist War, Spain: Spanish sick and wounded being carried on board the "Somorrostro". Wood engraving by I. Nash.
  • Royal Baths, York Hotel, Stocker & Longmore's New Baths, York Terrace, Sidmouth, Devon. Tinted aquatint.
  • Crimean War: the Belleisle Hospital Ship taking provisions on board. Wood engraving.
  • Ornamented borders of Tartary oak (Quercus McCormickii), anchors and a polar bear round images of the Antarctic Sea with penguin and boat. Pencil drawing, c.1844.
  • Geography: water spouts at sea. Engraving by C. Heath after H. Salt.
  • Geography: two rotating discs (volvelles) showing the times at different places compared to London, and the constellations visible in the sky at different dates and times, fixed to a card giving details of their use, and dimensions of rivers and mountains. Coloured engraving.
  • Neptune presiding over a businessman making money through investment and a man drinking beer; representing the phlegmatic temperament. Etching by J.D. Nessenthaler.
  • Geography: water spouts at sea, with rain. Coloured wood engraving by C. Whymper.
  • Fishermen hauling in a net close to the shore, ships stand off-shore in the background. Engraving.
  • A sailor surviving in a large empty box of James Morison's pills, after being shipwrecked. Coloured lithograph.
  • Royal Naval Hospital, Portsmouth: as seen from the sea. Etching by J. Woods after G.H. Sergeant.
  • Saint Paul, shipwrecked on Malta, is attacked by a snake which he shakes off into a fire; it does not harm him and the onlookers take him for a god. Etching after J. Thornhill.
  • General Sea-Bathing Infirmary, Margate, Kent. Coloured line engraving by R. Ashby after W. Pickett.
  • Fishermen with a drag-net, burning kelp on the beach, and hooks and other equipment. Engraving, c.1762, by Benard after L.J. Goussier.
  • A man clinging to a rock on the shore during a storm. Engraving by T. Medland, 1790, after T. Stothard.
  • Fisher-folk and their methods of work. Engraving, c.1762, by Benard after L.J. Goussier.
  • Neptune presiding over a businessman making money through investment and a man drinking beer; representing the phlegmatic temperament. Etching by J.D. Nessenthaler.
  • Ramsgate, Kent: bathers at the bathing area on the beach. Process print.
  • Geography: two rotating discs (volvelles) showing the times at different places compared to London, and the constellations visible in the sky at different dates and times, fixed to a card giving details of their use, and dimensions of rivers and mountains. Coloured engraving.
  • Fisher-folk, and their methods of work. Engraving, c.1762, by Benard after L.J. Goussier.
  • Port of Latakia (Latachia), Syria. Coloured aquatint by L. Mayer, 1810.
  • Fisher-folk and their net-making equipment. Engraving, c.1762, by Benard after L.J. Goussier.
  • Six cranes flying upward above a breaking wave. Colour woodcut by Hiroshige, 1858.
  • Venus riding a scallop shell chariot over the seas accompanied by Neptune, nymphs and cherubs, symbolising the element water. Engraving by E. Baudet, 1695, after F. Albani.
  • Geology: an outcrop of basalt columns by the sea. Engraving by J. Chapman.
  • Fisher-folk and their methods of work. Engraving, c.1762, by Benard after L.J. Goussier.
  • A cabin on board a packet-boat, its occupants either asleep or being sea-sick. Coloured aquatint, 1814.
  • Virgil and A. Pollio deep in conversation above a bustling town and harbour, Saloninius (Pollio's infant son) lies in a cradle at their feet. Woodcut after Virgil.
  • Jesus calls James and John from their boat; their father Zebedee stands behind them. Woodcut.