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530 results filtered with: Patients
  • A doctor prescribing continuation of treatment to his reluctant patient. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson, 1799, after G.M. Woodward.
  • A girl reads to a convalescent while a nurse brings in the patient's medicine. Watercolour by R.H. Giles.
  • A bemused husband querying a doctor as to how his wife of only six months can have already given birth to a child. Wood engraving, 1838.
  • A physician holds his nose as he examines the faeces of a patient. Etching by T.L. Busby, ca. 1826.
  • Bonnell Thornton lying ill in bed, consulting three physicians and pointing out their inadequacies. Coloured etching attributed to C. Williams.
  • Boer War: patients outside a military hospital gargling with antiseptic while being watched by three nurses. Halftone, c.1900, after F. de Haenen.
  • Gloucester smallpox epidemic, 1896: J.R. Evans, aged 10 years, a smallpox patient. Photograph by H.C.F., 1896.
  • A French hospital for wounded soldiers, World War I: three staff listen for a patient's heart beat and a doctor reads a man's pulse. Colour lithograph after L. Ibels, 1916.
  • A doctor pumps the stomach of his obese seated patient while another couple wait, one who has already undergone reduction examines his deflated countenance in a mirror. Coloured etching by H. Heath, 1827.
  • Boer War: a full military hospital ward housed in a church in Ladysmith, South Africa. Halftone, c.1900, after H. Paget after H. McCormick.
  • A doctor pumps the stomach of his obese seated patient while another couple wait, one who has already undergone reduction examines his deflated countenance in a mirror. Coloured etching by J.P.M. Jazet after H. Heath.
  • A patient suffering adverse effects of arsenic treatment. Coloured lithograph, ca. 1850.
  • A patient lies on a chaise-longue, while a nurse brings her some refreshment. Wood engraving by J.C. Griffiths after G.G. Kilburne.
  • An obese physician pleased with the progress of his emaciated terminally ill patient. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson, 1813?, after R. Newton.
  • An unsympathetic doctor trying to get rid of a poor patient by frightening her. Wood engraving after J. Leech.
  • A French hospital for wounded soldiers, World War I: an operating room with an anxious surgeon and fainting nurses. Colour lithograph after L. Ibels, 1916.
  • Florence Nightingale. Coloured mezzotint by C.A.Tomkins, 1855, after J. Butterworth.
  • A French hospital for wounded soldiers, World War I: patients seated at a drunken dinner table and two bedridden patients with some meagre chips. Colour lithograph after L. Ibels, 1916.
  • A surgeon amputating a grimacing patient's leg who is being held in a particular position by two attendants, the operation is near completion. Engraving, 1738.
  • A surgeon extracting a guinea worm from a man's leg, in the background is a similar scene after a successful operation, a surgeon is holding a long worm. Photograph of a halftone after an engraving by J. Luyken.
  • Gloucester smallpox epidemic, 1896: Mary Wicklin, aged 4 years, as a smallpox patient, a few days before her death. Photograph by H.C.F., 1896.
  • Five kinds of treatment in hospitals and elsewhere. Wood engraving, 1881.
  • Visiting the sick: a grieving woman bends over a praying patient. Tinted aquatint by F.C. Lewis, 1831, after J. Flaxman.
  • Sangareddy, Andhra Pradesh, India: people in hospital. Photograph by F.T. Shipham, ca. 1925.
  • Crimean War: Florence Nightingale and her staff nursing a patient in the military hospital at Scutari. Coloured lithograph, c. 1855, by T. Packer after himself.
  • Boniface consulting a doctor about the fullness of his stomach. Coloured engraving by T.L. Busby, 1827.
  • Two nuns in a pharmacy, one holds a sick child on her lap: Sisters of Charity Order. Mezzotint by T. Oldham Barlow, 1862, after H. Browne.
  • A stockbroker feigning deafness to avoid paying the man who claims to have restored his hearing. Coloured etching, 1786.
  • St Pancras Smallpox Hospital, London: housed in a tented camp at Finchley. Watercolour by F. Collins, 1881.
  • An injection against croup at the Hôpital Trousseau, Paris. Lithograph by E. Buval after P.A.A. Brouillet.