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56 results filtered with: Performing arts
  • An itinerant medicine vendor performing on stage at a bustling fair. Engraving by J. Moyreau, 1743, after P. Wouwerman.
  • A French itinerant medicine vendor on stage selling his wares. Engraving by I. Helman, 1777, and etching by A.J. Duclos after J. Bertaux, 1776.
  • Doctor Bossy, an infamous medicine vendor performing on stage to a crowd at Tower Hill in an attempt to sell his wares. Etching.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor performing on stage with several assistants, selling their wares to a small audience in Rome. Etching by W. Unger after D. Helmbreker.
  • A theatrical itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares on stage to a crowd, assisted by an elaborately dressed man and an owl. Coloured etching.
  • Doctor Humbugallo, an itinerant medicine vendor, selling his wares from a stage with an assistant dressed as a court fool. Watercolour by T. Rowlandson.
  • Doctor Humbugallo, an itinerant medicine vendor, selling his wares from a stage with an assistant dressed as a court fool. Watercolour by T. Rowlandson.
  • A theatrical itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares on stage to a crowd, assisted by an elaborately dressed man and an owl. Coloured etching.
  • Doctor Bossy, a medicine vendor, selling his wares to a crowd of sick and lame people at Covent Garden, London. Pencil drawing after A. van Assen.
  • Doctor Bossy, an infamous medicine vendor, selling his wares to a crowd of sick and lame people at Covent Garden, London. Etching, 1795, after A. van Assen.
  • Doctor Botherum, an itinerant medicine vendor (perhaps based on Doctor Bossy) selling his wares on stage with the aid of assistants to a raucous crowd. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson, 1800.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares with the aid of assistants and snakes to a captivated audience, Tianjin, China. Engraving by P. Lightfoot, 1858, after T. Allom.
  • An itinerant medicine salesman performing his sales pitch on stage to a small group of people. Coloured etching.
  • Doctor Bossy, a medicine vendor, selling his wares to a crowd of sick and lame people at Covent Garden, London. Pencil drawing after A. van Assen.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares on stage to an audience while his assistant draws a tooth from a man. Etching by Diebiey, 1767.
  • Two actors performing on an open-air stage, perhaps selling medicines (?); St. Pauls cathedral is visible in the background. Engraving by J. van der Gucht.
  • Hans Buling (?), an itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares with the aid of a monkey and a performer dressed as Harlequin. Engraving.
  • A Christmas entertainment, presented in sign language for the deaf and dumb, at the Hanover Square rooms, London. Wood engraving, 1865.
  • Hans Buling (?), an itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares with the aid of a monkey and a performer dressed as Harlequin. Engraving.
  • A travelling tooth-drawer in a carriage extracting a tooth from a patient in front of a village audience. Lithograph.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares on stage as part of a performance to a small audience. Etching by D. Deuchar (?).
  • Entertainment in sign language for the deaf and dumb at the Hanover Square rooms, London. Wood engraving.
  • A French itinerant medicine vendor on stage selling his wares. Engraving by I. Helman, 1777, and etching by A.J. Duclos after J. Bertaux, 1776.
  • Doctor Botherum, an itinerant medicine vendor (perhaps based on Doctor Bossy) selling his wares on stage with the aid of assistants to a raucous crowd. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson, 1800.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares from a stage to a large audience in a town square. Engraving.
  • A French politician as a quack doctor wearing a feathered head-dress, holding a tooth and staff in the air and exclaiming to an audience that it is better to extract than to cure. Colour wood engraving (?) by Lefman after A. Gill, 1873.