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53 results filtered with: Rubiaceae
  • A bedstraw plant (Galium species): flowering stems. Watercolour.
  • Garden Gardinia or Cape jasmine (Gardenia augusta (L.) Merr.): branch with flowers and fruit and separate flowers and fruit. Coloured line engraving.
  • Six flowering plants, including bedstraw (Galium tricorne), goosegrass (Galium aparine) and woodruff (Galium odoratum). Chromolithograph by W. Dickes & co., c. 1855.
  • African peach (Sarcocephalus latifolius): fruiting and flowering stem with section of fruit. Coloured steel engraving by W. Say, c. 1812, after B. Cotton.
  • A fruiting tropical plant (Duroia eriophila) and five water beetles (Dytiscus species). Coloured etching by J. Pass, c. 1803, after M. Merian.
  • A coffee plant (Coffea arabica), its flower and fruit segments bordered by six scenes illustrating its use by man. Coloured lithograph, c. 1840.
  • Four British garden plants: flowering stems and floral segments. Coloured etching, c. 1834.
  • Cinchona plant (Cinchona officinalis): flowering and fruiting branch. Coloured etching by J. Pass, c. 1801, after J. Ihle.
  • Eight plants, including three orchids and a hawthorn: flowering stems. Coloured etching, c. 1836.
  • Cinchona plant (Cinchona officinalis): flowering and fruiting branch. Coloured etching by J. Pass, c. 1801, after J. Ihle.
  • Work on a coffee plantation in Guatemala. Wood-engravings by G. Andrews, 1877, after E. Muybridge.
  • A species of the plant family Rubiaceae: entire flowering plant with separate floral sections. Coloured etching by M. Bouchard, 1774.
  • Left and right - Chasalia ophioxyloides (Wall.) Craib.: branch with flowers and fruit and separate flowers and fruit. Coloured line engraving.
  • Goose-grass or cleavers (Galium aparine L.): flowering and fruiting stem with separate flower and fruit. Coloured etching by M. Bouchard, 1772.
  • Cape jasmine (Gardenia coronaria): flowering stem with separate floral and fruit segments. Line engraving by Mackenzie, c.1795.
  • A plant (Canthium parviflorum) related to Ceylon boxwood: branch with flowers and fruits, separate flowers, fruit and sectioned fruit with seed. Coloured line engraving.
  • Bedstraw or crosswort plant (Galium cruciatum) with an associated insect and its anatomical segments. Coloured etching, c. 1830.
  • Twelve British wild flowers with their common names. Coloured engraving, c. 1861, after J. Sowerby.
  • The blossom and fruit of a coffee tree (Coffea arabica) Photograph.
  • Plants, fish and a landscape from the East Indies, including pepper, cocoa, indigo and coffee plants. Line engraving after C. de Bruins, 1706.
  • Germinating seeds and seedlings of broad bean and goosegrass. Coloured pencil drawing by H. Cowell.
  • Cinchona plant (Cinchona lancifolia): flowering and fruiting stem. Lithograph, c. 1883.
  • The gathering and drying of cinchona bark in a Peruvian forest. Wood engraving, by C. Laplante, c. 1867, after Faguet.