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153 results filtered with: Scholars
  • Pembroke College, Oxford: with Martyr's Memorial in the background. Line engraving by H. Le Keux, 1837, after F. Mackenzie.
  • Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford: figures strolling along the footpath. Line engraving by J. Le Keux, 1834, after F. Mackenzie.
  • D. Pauli Freheri ... Theatrum virorum eruditione clarorum. In quo vitæ & scripta theologorum, jureconsultorum, medicorum & philosophorum tàm in Germania superiore & inferiore, quàm in aliis Europæ regionibus, Græcia nempè, Hispania, Italia, Gallia, Anglia, Polonia, Hungaria, Bohemia, Dania & Suecia a seculis aliquot, ad hæc usque tempora, florentium, secundum annorum emortalium seriem, tanquam variis in scenis repræsentantur. Opus omnibus eruditis lectu jucundissimum in quatuor partes divisum, quarum I. Theologos varios. II. Magnates, jurisconsultos & politicos. III. Medicos, chymicos, botanicos, anatomicos &c. IV. Philosophos, philologos, historicos, mathematicos, poetas, &c complectitur. Cum indice locupletissimo / [Paulus Freher].
  • An omniscient virtuoso gestures boastfully at all the knowledge that lies available to him. Etching by G.M. Mitelli, c. 1700.
  • Divinity School, Oxford: interior of hall with coat of arms. Coloured engraving by D. Loggan after himself.
  • Wadham College, Oxford: from the garden. Line engraving by J. Dadley, 1795, after E. Dayes.
  • Magdalen College, Oxford: quadrangle. Line engraving by M.A. Rooker, 1778, after himself.
  • The young Christ lectures the doctors of the Temple. Engraving by E. Rouargue.
  • A scholar in a surgeon's workroom with a jar of spirits containing Saint Michael defeating a dragon with a barbued tonge; representing the scholar's knowledge of chemistry enabling surgeons to heal, by setting the beneficent force of alkalis against the noxious force of acids. Etching by P.P. Bouche, ca. 1686.
  • Pembroke College, Oxford: quadrangle. Line engraving by J. Le Keux, 1836, after F. Mackenzie.
  • Magdalen College, Oxford. Line engraving by H.S. Storer, 1821, after himself.
  • New College, Oxford: panoramic view. Lithograph by Mackenzie after himself.
  • Divinity School, Oxford: great hall. Line engraving by J. Le Keux, 1837, after F. Mackenzie.
  • University College, London: the main building, seen from Gower Street. Engraving by S. Allen.
  • Christ Church, Oxford: library. Line engraving by J. Le Keux, 1832, after J. Mackenzie.
  • Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford: panoramic view of interior. Line engraving by J. Skelton, 1820, after J. Buckler, 1815.
  • University of Oxford: the Vice Chancellor of Oxford (1852) and the two former ones walking towards a ceremony. Coloured etching, 1852.
  • Wadham College, Oxford. Lithograph.
  • Bodleian Library, Oxford: interior panoramic view. Line engraving by G. Hollis after J.C. Buckler.
  • An alchemist in his untidy laboratory. Etching by L. Le Grand after T. Wyck.
  • Merton College, Oxford: the church. Aquatint by J. Merigot after A.C. Pugin.
  • Radcliffe Camera, Oxford: panoramic view with All Soul's College, Brasenose College and the Bodleian Library. Line engraving.
  • Christ Church, Oxford: interior of staircase leading to the hall. Etching by A.L. Brunet Debaines.
  • Radcliffe Camera, Oxford: interior showing classical scupltures and study areas. Line engraving by H. Le Keux, 1835, after F. Mackenzie.
  • A depressed scholar surrounded by mythological figures; representing the melancholy temperament. Etching by J.D. Nessenthaler, ca. 1750.
  • Christ Church, Oxford: the library. Line engraving by J. Skelton, 1817, after Archdeacon Gooch.
  • Balliol College, Oxford: in sixteenth century. Wood engraving.
  • Penry's College, Oxford: St. Alban Hall. Wood engraving by J. Johnston.
  • Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Line engraving by G. Hollis.
  • Christ among the doctors. Engraving by A. de Bruyn, c. 1580, after S. Crispi.