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260 results filtered with: Science
  • Facts about the Ontario Science Centre.
  • Romani Collegii Societatus [sic] Jesu Musaeum celeberrimum ; cujus magnum antiquariæ rei, statuarum imagimun, picturarumque partem, ex legato Alphonsi Donini ... relictum / P. Athanasius Kircherus ... novis et raris inventis locupletatum ... instruxit ... Innumeris insuper rebus ditatum, ad plurimorum, maximè exterorum, curiositatisque doctrinæ avidorum instantiam urgentesque preces novis compluribusque machinis, tum peregrinis ex Indiis allatis rebus publicae luci votisque exponit Georgius de Sepibus.
  • Elections 1956 / The Royal Society.
  • Official descriptive and illustrated catalogue / Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations, 1851 ; by authority of the Royal Commission.
  • Figures representing the investigation of nature; in the background, Pliny the elder being killed while investigating Vesuvius during its eruption. Engraving by J. Wangner after G. Eichler the younger, ca. 1759.
  • The Wellcome Centre for Medical Science : an introduction, June 1992.
  • This is to certify that: has been registered as an internal student of the University of London in the Faculty of Science / H. Frank Heath.
  • The Académie des Sciences et des Beaux Arts, Paris: showing various methods of study and teaching with a lettered key. Line engraving.
  • A goat-headed man caresses a sleeping ewe-headed woman; representing the notion of animal magnetism and its application by physicians. Etching after M. Voltz (?), 1815.
  • Received... / British Association for the Advancement of Science.
  • Two doctors fight over which method to use on a patient; dramatising the conflict between allopathy and homoeopathy. Coloured wood engraving.
  • Philosophical transactions, giving some account of the present undertakings, studies, and labours of the ingenious, in many considerable parts of the world.
  • The Edinburgh journal of science.
  • Facts about the Ontario Science Centre.
  • Experimenta nova (ut vocantur) Magdeburgica de vacuo spatio, primùm à r. p. Gaspare Schotto ... nunc verò ab ipso auctore perfectiùs edita, variisque aliis experimentis aucta. Quibus accesserunt simul certa quaedam de aëris pondere circa terram; de virtutibus mundanis, & systemate mundi planetario; sicut & de stellis fixis, ac spatio illo immenso, quod tàm intra quam extra eas funditur / [Otto von Guericke].
  • Life of Mendel / by Hugo Iltis, translated by Eden and Cedar Paul.
  • Official descriptive and illustrated catalogue / Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations, 1851 ; by authority of the Royal Commission.
  • Ḥeleḳ riʼshon [shelishi] mispar ha-ʻolamot o maʻaśeh ṭoviyah / [Tobias Cohen].
  • Science: a trio of alarm mechanisms. Wood engraving, 1842.
  • The Wellcome Centre for Medical Science : an introduction, June 1992.
  • Ḥeleḳ riʼshon [shelishi] mispar ha-ʻolamot o maʻaśeh ṭoviyah / [Tobias Cohen].
  • A doctor is delighted at confronting a full-blown case of cholera. Coloured lithograph by Cham, c. 1845.
  • Romani Collegii Societatus [sic] Jesu Musaeum celeberrimum ; cujus magnum antiquariæ rei, statuarum imagimun, picturarumque partem, ex legato Alphonsi Donini ... relictum / P. Athanasius Kircherus ... novis et raris inventis locupletatum ... instruxit ... Innumeris insuper rebus ditatum, ad plurimorum, maximè exterorum, curiositatisque doctrinæ avidorum instantiam urgentesque preces novis compluribusque machinis, tum peregrinis ex Indiis allatis rebus publicae luci votisque exponit Georgius de Sepibus.
  • Henrici Regii Ultrajectini Philosophia naturalis / [Henricus Regius].
  • Australian Academy of Science : rainbow hologram / Photograph and text: Margaret Benyon.
  • Opera omnia ... tam hactenus excusa, hîc tamen aucta & emendata, quàm nunquam aliàs visa ac primùm ex auctoris ipsius autographis eruta curâ Caroli Sponii ... / [Girolamo Cardano].
  • The Wellcome Centre for Medical Science : an introduction, June 1992.
  • The Wellcome Centre for Medical Science : an introduction, June 1992.
  • Collegium experimentale, sive curiosum, in quo primaria hujus seculi inventa et experimenta physico-mathematica ... partim ab aliis jam pridem exhibita, partim noviter istis superaddita. Spectanda oculis subjecit ... Johannes Christophorus Sturmius ... / [Johann Christophorus Sturm].
  • Electricity: electrical equipment, batteries, etc. Coloured engraving, 1804, by J. Pass, after H. Lascelles.