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61 results filtered with: Senses and sensation
  • The five senses and death. Watercolour by Elizabeth Painter, 1957.
  • A man with a glass of spirits; representing the sense of taste. Pen drawing by A. Overlaet, 1761, after D. Teniers.
  • Four men watch, some holding their noses, as a man vomits; representing the sense of smell. Pen and ink drawing by P. Boone, 1651.
  • A voyeur watches women taking a bath while above a monk is martyred; representing the sense of sight. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • The sense of touch: below, a bespectacled man examines coins and valuables, above, St Thomas puts his finger into the resurrected Christ's side. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • The sense of smell: a man lying in bed smells flowers as another lights some incense, above, a priest stands before a burning sacrifice of a lamb. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • An early Tibetan king, or Rudrakulika, legendary king of Shambhala, seated in a garden. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • The sense of taste: diners around a feasting table containing a swan and a human skeleton, above, scenes of communion and Abraham and the three angels. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • An early Tibetan king, or Rudrakulika, legendary king of Shambhala, seated in a garden. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • The sense of touch: below, a bespectacled man examines coins and valuables, above, St Thomas puts his finger into the resurrected Christ's side. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • Music being played to a lady, while above an angel blows a trumpet into Jerome's ear; representing the sense of hearing. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • A group of musicians; representing the sense of hearing. Engraving by A. Bosse, c. 1650.
  • Attributes of Brahmā (Tibetan Tshaṅs-pa, the pure one) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • An operator pulling a tooth; representing the sense of touch. Pen and ink drawing by P. Boone, 1649.
  • The sense of taste: diners around a feasting table containing a swan and a human skeleton, above, scenes of communion and Abraham and the three angels. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • A bird's beak cuts a woman's hand; representing the sense of touch and the fact that it persists longer (in pain) than the other senses. Engraving, 16--.
  • The Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara surrounded by other Buddhist deities. Distemper painting.
  • Electricity: several electrical machines in use, with a man receiving an electric shock in the background. Engraving, [18th century], by B. Cole.
  • An early Tibetan king, or Rudrakulika, legendary king of Shambhala, seated in a garden. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of Brahmā (Tibetan Tshaṅs-pa, the pure one) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • A voyeur watches women taking a bath while above a monk is martyred; representing the sense of sight. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • People smelling flowers on the steps of an ornamental garden; representing the sense of smell. Engraving by A. Bosse after himself, ca. 1638.
  • The five senses represented by five children. Chromolithograph.
  • A peasant man sits on a tree stump vomiting and onlookers hold their noses, with an accompanying couplet. Etching, 17th century.
  • A woman with some flowers; representing the sense of smell. Engraving, 16--.
  • Attributes of Brahmā (Tibetan Tshaṅs-pa, the pure one) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • A woman in a garden with some flowers; in the background God blows spirit into Adam's body; representing the sense of smell. Engraving by N. de Bruyn after M. de Vos.
  • A man vomiting after overeating and drinking; representing the sense of touch. Engraving by J.J. Kleinschmidt after Jan van de Velde the younger.
  • A woman playing the barrel-organ; representing the sense of hearing. Mezzotint by A.H.J. Degmair after P.A. Wille.
  • A woman feeling the tip of an arrow with her finger; representing the sense of touch. Mezzotint by A. van Haecken after J. Amigoni.