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69 results filtered with: Wives
  • Warrior horseman and wife. Gouache drawing.
  • A military couple. Gouache drawing.
  • Boer War: a wounded soldier being visited in hospital by his wife and little daughter. Halftone, c. 1900, after a photograph by E. H. Mills.
  • A Hindu warrior and his wife. Gouache drawing.
  • Chubdah or running footman and wife. Gouache drawing.
  • A man sits at home with his family and offers his wife a drink. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1847, after himself.
  • A female figure book keeping; representing arithmetic. Engraving by A. Vallée after M. de Vos.
  • A Moorish man with wife. Gouache drawing.
  • Hindu toddy man and wife. Gouache drawing.
  • Two women run towards a transit goods van to greet the driver who has avoided AIDS to drive home to be with his wife; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the AIDS Control Programme, Ministry of Health, Uganda. Lithograph, ca. 1990's.
  • Brahman merchant couple. Watercolour drawing.
  • A wife, her physiognomy expressing good temper and humour according to Lavater. Drawing, c. 1789.
  • A torch-bearer and wife. Gouache drawing.
  • Kavady-kerah and wife: holy water carrier. Gouache drawing.
  • An Indian man reaches out to touch his young bride who wears a red sari that covers her face; a woman raising her arms in terror as flames envelop her and all her belongings, a man setting off to earn his fortune abroad with a blue sack over his shoulder and a woman (his wife?) staying at home stirring a pot; an AIDS prevention advertisement within a decorative border by NGO-AIDS Cell, Centre for Community Medicine, AIIMS. Colour lithograph by Unesco/Aidthi Workshop, March 1995.
  • A man sits at home with his family and offers his wife a drink. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1847, after himself.
  • A sick husband holds the hand of his wife. Lithograph by C. Motte after A. Maurin after H. Decaisne, 182-.
  • Savitri pleading with Yama for her husband's life. Chromolithograph.
  • A woman plays the harp and sings, but her husband sleeps. Colour process print, 1891, after Thomas Rowlandson.
  • Vishnu flanked by two wives resting on Shesa, the serpent on the waters. Chromolithograph by R. Varma.
  • A group of three 'puffers' (uninitiated alchemists) reading books, and a credulous peasant trying his luck at alchemy, his weeping wife and miserable child trying to detain him from alchemical pursuit. Engraving by F. Godefroy after J. Steen.
  • An old man sits with his arm round a girl and plies her with drink as his wife watches through a window. Engraving by J.P. Le Bas, 1747, after D. Teniers.
  • A drunken farmer is brought home where he is met by his wife and various farm animals. Engraving, c. 1750 (?).
  • An alchemist hunched over his crucible; an assistant reads him a recipe, watched by an onlooker; the alchemist's wife weeps in the dim background, a baby clasped to her breast. Engraving by J. Boydell, c. 1760, after J. Steen.
  • Husbands bringing their ugly wives to a windmill, to be transformed into beautiful ones. Engraving, ca 1650.
  • A woman wearing a fine dress with pearls around her neck, a very elaborate hair style and beauty spots, checks her appearance in a mirror before going out to the new fashionable resort of the Pantheon in London. Mezzotint by P. Dawe, 1772.
  • A drunken man sits at home with his family while bailiffs remove their furniture. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1847, after himself.
  • A group of three 'puffers' (uninitiated alchemists) reading books, and a credulous peasant trying his luck at alchemy, his weeping wife and miserable child trying to detain him from alchemical pursuit. Engraving by F. Godefroy after J. Steen.
  • Cotton spinning couple. Watercolour drawing.
  • A horsegroom, with his wife offering him betel leaves. Gouache drawing.