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108 results filtered with: Doyle, John, 1797-1868
  • J.A. Roebuck attempts to exchange a horse having the head of Lord Durham for another having the head of Lord Brougham as a stage coach waits on. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1838.
  • Sir Charles Wetherell collapsed in a chair surrounded by both smiling and weeping fellow politicians; referring to reactions to the Plan of Reform which disenfranchised sixty boroughs. Coloured lithograph by J. Doyle, 1831.
  • A man being restrained in a chair while a doctor and nurse prepare to give him some medicine; referring to English politicians' feelings towards Daniel O'Connell. Coloured lithograph by J. Doyle, 1833.
  • Lord Durham, the Governor-General of the British provinces in North America, sits beside E. Ellice on a ship as Turton vomits over the side. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1838.
  • John Bull being bled while lying in bed and surrounded by four women; referring to Britain being drained of resources by Peel's new government. Coloured lithograph by J. Doyle, 1842.
  • Seated at a card table are Queen Victoria and Prince Albert with Lord Normanby and Daniel O'Connell at the ends. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1839.
  • Lord Durham and Lord Brougham jousting, Durham about to be unseated. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1839.
  • Daniel O'Connell in the character of Charles Dickens' Barnaby Rudge carries on his back a raven with the head of Lord Melbourne. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1841.
  • A hot-air balloon with the visage of Daniel O'Connell carrying a basket of conservative ministers. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1836.
  • Lord Melbourne and Lord John Russell are matched against the Duke of Wellington and Sir Robert Peel in a game of cards; Whigs against Tories. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1841.
  • The Duke of Wellington conducts an orchestra comprising of conservative government ministers. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1838.
  • Lord John Russell addresses Sir Robert Peel on the subject of his "friend" the Marquess of Normanby. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1839.
  • John Bull sits in a box, umpiring a free trade race between Sir Robert Peel as a tortoise and Lord John Russell as a hare. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1843.
  • The First Lord of the Admiralty, Lord Minto, is thrown overboard by Lord Melbourne, Lord Palmerston and Lord Duncannon during a storm. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1838.
  • Sir Robert Peel leads a queue for a coach but is told by the keeper of the coach-office, James Abercromby (Speaker of the House of Commons) that the coach has already gone. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1838.
  • John Bull presented as the Chinese labourer Hoo Loo surrounded by surgeons discussing the removal of his tumor; referring to British political reform. Coloured lithograph by J. Doyle, 1831.
  • Lord Lyndhurst and the Duke of Wellington high up in a building inscribed "House of Lords" peer down at a group of politicians carrying a battering ram with the head of Daniel O'Connell. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1836.
  • A large man in bed after giving birth to a mouse; referring to the Duke of Buckingham's attempt to introduce his own 'Reform Bill' which excluded disenfranchisement. Coloured lithograph by J.Doyle, 1832.
  • The Duke of Wellington rides in an open top carriage with Sir Thomas Burdett as the postillion, Lord Lyndhurst in the rumble and Lord Brougham at the rear. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1839.
  • The antique statue of Laocoön: Lord Melbourne as Laocoön, Lord John Russell and Thomas Spring-Rice as the two sons, entwined by two serpents with the faces of Lords Brougham and Lyndhurst. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1838.
  • A mayorial procession with Daniel O'Connell. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1836.
  • A coach representing the quadruple alliance of England, France, Portugal and Spain is disabled owing to a broken wheel. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1836.
  • As Lord Glenelg slumbers in a chair Lord Melbourne takes from his pocket the colonial seals and Lord Duncannon takes the privy seals. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1839.
  • Lord Ellenborough, Lord Brougham and the Earl of Mansfield walk together arm in arm. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1838.
  • Daniel O'Connell receives a bear-hug from a bear with the head of Colonel Bruen. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1836.
  • Daniel O'Connell devoutly kisses the foot of Lord John Russell, leader of the House, dressed as the Pope and seated on a papal throne. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1837.
  • A cat with the head of Sir Robert Peel gazes at a cage trap containing the Sheriff of Middlesex, Evans, held by Lord John Russell. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1840.
  • Shiel walks past two old sailors, one with a wooden leg, who make remarks about him as Daniel O'Connell stands by wrapped in a cloak. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1838.
  • Daniel O'Connell about to feed a loaf of bread to a cage full of big cats with the heads of politicians, Queen Victoria looks on. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1839.
  • In a room with red boxes and bundles of papers, the Duke of Wellington is busily working as more are carried in. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1843.