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140 results filtered with: Title pages
  • John Gerard: portrait and botanical motifs. Line engraving by J. Payne, 1633.
  • A marble tablet sculpted in relief with trophies and ornaments illustrating the magnificence of the ancient Romans. Etching by G.B. Piranesi, 1761.
  • Ancient herbalists and scholars of medicinal lore (Galen, Pliny, Hippocrates etc.); and Venus and Adonis in the gardens of Adonis. Woodcut, 1532.
  • Title page adorned with two dippers and their nest by a waterfall. Coloured engraving, ca. 1841.
  • Worthy pastimes of olden times contrasted with vices of the present day. Engraving, c. 1627, after S. Ward.
  • Death as a winged skeleton riding into battle. Etching by J. Gamelin after himself, 1778.
  • A fool is writing an insult on the pedestal of a statue of Hippocrates. Lithograph by Cham, 1862.
  • Trephination, preparation of medicines from raw materials, a skeleton, a muscleman and a portrait of A. Paré. Line engraving.
  • An anatomy theatre with statues of the anatomists Vesalius and Spigelius; a corpse on a table in the background. Engraving, 1672.
  • Aristotle and Ptolemy discuss with Copernicus their respective views on the movements of the Sun and the Earth. Engraving, 1663, after S. Della Bella, 1632.
  • Above, Jesus Christ and M. Georg Michaelis point to the Bible placed on an altar; below left, a man seeking that he may find; below right, Archimedes stepping out of the bath saying "Eureka". Engraving, 1733.
  • A woman with five breasts on a pedestal, with attributes of nature and the elements, and with Apollo next to her seated on a cloud; men with various experimental instruments below them; representing natural philosophy. Engraving by A. Schoonebeek, 1692.
  • Surgical anatomy: front cover of wrapper to Fascicule 1 of Joseph Maclise's work. Lithograph, 1851.
  • A life drawing class: members of an academy are shown drawing from a model in a darkened room. Crayon manner print by J. Gamelin after himself, 1778/1779.
  • Two angels support the backdrop to the coat of arms of Gilles Foucquet; title page to Livre d'oyseaux. Etching by A. Flamen, ca. 1659.
  • Ancient herbalists and scholars of medicinal lore (Galen, Pliny, Hippocrates etc.); and Venus and Adonis in the gardens of Adonis. Woodcut, 1532.
  • Rules of the Photographic Society Club: title page. Colour lithograph, 1856.
  • The Dutch anatomist Steven Blankaart (1650-1704) performing a dissection in an anatomy theatre, with seven observers. Engraving, 1687.
  • Above, portrait of Daniel Sennert in a roundel; centre, a man representing Experience holds the staff of Aesculapius and a lily, while a woman representing Reason holds a balance and a torch; below, Hippocrates and Hermes shake hands, representing the union of herbal and chemical medicine. Engraving by M. Merian, ca. 1631.
  • A tobacco plantation with workers, a Mexican Indian (?) and two European masters. Coloured engraving, c. 1821.
  • Stoicism: above, the suicide of Seneca; middle, Zeno and Chrysippus; below, the suicides of Socrates and Cato. Engraving by W. Hole, ca. 1614.
  • Bernard Nieuwentyt. Line engraving by J. Goeree, 1727, after himself.
  • The entrance to a temple (a portico with an arch) representing access to the Bible. Drawing by or after John Chantry, 1668.
  • An anatomical dissection by Pieter Pauw in the Leiden anatomy theatre. Engraving by Andries Stock after a drawing by Jacques de Gheyn II, 1615.
  • Two sprigs of flowers including roses and Narcissi, meant as designs for embroidery. Etching with engraving after W. Kilburn, 1775.
  • Afghan leaders in military costume with armour and weapons, Afghanistan. Coloured lithograph by R. Carrick after Lieutenant James Rattray, 1847.
  • Allegorical and historical scenes of medicine: including a dissection and a distillation laboratory, and Hygieia receiving the organic and mineral bounty of the earth employed in remedies. Engraving by J.F. Fleischberger, 1660.
  • The library of Pierre Séguier:  painting and music support putti trumpeting the fame of the library. Engraving by M. Dorigny after S. Vouet, 1640.
  • A medical author seated at his desk, writing, a herbal on his lap. Engraving by P. Aubry, ca. 1657.
  • The entrance to a temple (a portico with an arch) representing access to the Bible. Drawing by or after John Chantry, 1668.