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700 results filtered with: Chinese Medicine
  • Yangsheng graphic: Ming Chinese woodcut
  • C18 Chinese woodcut: White tonsillitis
  • Chinese C18 woodcut: External medicine - Herpes zoster
  • Chinese C18 woodcut: External medicine - 'String of pearls'
  • C19 Chinese MS moxibustion point chart: Guiku
  • Medical talisman, to ward off plague (Chinese C19 woodcut)
  • Chinese C18: Paediatric pox - 'Inverted Dimple' pox
  • Early C20 Chinese Lithograph: 'Fan' diseases
  • Chinese C18: Paediatric pox - 'Eye Lock' pox
  • Daoyin technique to cure Qi stagnation, C19 Chinese MS
  • Chinese/Japanese Pulse Image chart: Wiry Pulse (xianmai)
  • Chinese tongue diagnosis diagram: 'Black within' tongue
  • Qing Chinese paediatric face diagnosis chart
  • Chinese ivory diagnostic doll used by female patients to indicate where their symptoms were.
  • Chinese Materia Medica illustration, Ming: Damupi plant
  • C14 Chinese medication chart: Sweating, emesis and purgation
  • Qing Chinese paediatric face diagnosis chart
  • C16 Chinese woodcut: Daoyin technique
  • Chinese C18 woodcut: External eye - Sore on eyelid
  • C19 Chinese MS moxibustion point chart: Huantiao
  • Ming herbal (painting): Chinese pulsatilla [root]
  • C14 Chinese medication chart: Convulsions etc.
  • Ming herbal (painting): Longan
  • Chinese Materia Dietetica, Ming: Grave-well water
  • Chinese C18 woodcut: External medicine - Gangrene
  • Ivory Chinese diagnostic doll
  • C18 Chinese woodcut: White pharyngitis
  • Acupuncture prohibitions for pregnancy, Chinese/Japanese
  • C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Face massage
  • Daoyin technique to curesluggish digestion, C19 Chinese MS