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91 results filtered with: Dentistry
  • Monkeys representing human beings in a tooth-drawer's surgery. Lithograph by L. Haghe after E. Bristow, 1828.
  • Dental memoranda / collected by T. Purland (1844).
  • Dental memoranda / collected by T. Purland (1844).
  • Dental memoranda / collected by T. Purland (1844).
  • Five designs for toothpaste powder labels for a French pharmacist, Bataille. Line engraving.
  • Dental memoranda / collected by T. Purland (1844).
  • Dental memoranda / collected by T. Purland (1844).
  • M0005742: A tooth-drawer extracting a tooth from a standing patient, who is being pick-pocketed by a woman
  • Recherches et observations sur toutes les parties de l'art du dentiste / Par M. Bourdet.
  • Dental services offered by Paul Jullion, surgeon dentist. Letterpress with woodcuts, ca. 1752.
  • Monkeys representing human beings in a tooth-drawer's surgery. Lithograph by L. Haghe after E. Bristow, 1828.
  • Dental memoranda / collected by T. Purland (1844).
  • Dental memoranda / collected by T. Purland (1844).
  • Le chirurgien dentiste, ou traité des dents. Ou l'on l'enseigne les moyens de les entretenir propres &c saines : de les embellir d'en réparer la perte &c de remédier à leurs maladies, à celles des gencives &c aux accidens qui peuvent survenir aux autres parties voisines des dents ... / par Pierre Fauchard.
  • A man rushing into a barber-surgeons' shop to inform the practitioner of the imminent need to vote. Lithograph.
  • Dental memoranda / collected by T. Purland (1844).
  • Two monks in a laboratory trying to find a remedy for one monk's toothache. Watercolour by J. Gregory, 1896.
  • British dental journal.
  • A tooth-drawer examining the tooth of a child. Engraving by C. Lewis after G. Dou.
  • Dental memoranda / collected by T. Purland (1844).
  • A tooth-drawer extracting a tooth from his patient. Coloured extendable lithograph by F. Bouchot, ca. 1832.
  • Dental memoranda / collected by T. Purland (1844).
  • Dental memoranda / collected by T. Purland (1844).
  • Dental memoranda / collected by T. Purland (1844).
  • M0005742: A tooth-drawer extracting a tooth from a standing patient, who is being pick-pocketed by a woman
  • Sancho Panza examining Don Quixote's mouth. Line engraving by C. Grignion after F. Hayman, 1755.
  • Dental operations with five demons: one being operated on, another about to be. Coloured etching.
  • Journal of the British Dental Association.
  • A French politician as a quack doctor wearing a feathered head-dress, holding a tooth and staff in the air and exclaiming to an audience that it is better to extract than to cure. Colour wood engraving (?) by Lefman after A. Gill, 1873.
  • Dental memoranda / collected by T. Purland (1844).