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366 results filtered with: General Surgery
  • Medical and surgical memoirs / by Nathan Smith ... ; edited with addenda, by Nathan R. Smith.
  • Practical observations in surgery: more particularly as regards the Naval and Military Service / Illustrated by cases, and various official documents.
  • Iconografia d'anatomia chirurgica e di medicina operatoria / [Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery].
  • Coramina : en casos de urgencia, 5-10 cm3 por via intravenosa / CIBA.
  • A treatise on operative surgery comprising a description of the various processes of the art, including all the new operations; exhibiting the state of surgical science in its present advanced condition; with eighty plates, containing four hundred and eighty-six separate illustrations. Second edition, revised and enlarged / by Joseph Pancoast.
  • Chirurgische Erfahrungen, besonders über die Wiederherstellung zerstörter Theile des menschlichen Körpers nach neuen Methoden. [Erste-dritte und vierte Abtheilung] / [Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach].
  • Guilhelmi Fabricii Hildani ... Observationum et curationum chirurgicarum centuriae, nunc primum in unum opus congestae, ac in duo volumina distributae. Quorum prius continet centurias I. II. & III / [Wilhelm Fabricius Hildanus].
  • Antiseptique de choix : produit pur et stable activité constante.
  • Iconografia d'anatomia chirurgica e di medicina operatoria / [Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery].
  • Essays on several important subjects in surgery: chiefly on the nature and cure of fractures of the long bones of the extremities. Particularly those of the thigh and leg, whether simple of compound : for which a new method of retention is proposed. The whole illustrated with cooper-plates / [John Aitken].
  • A course of operative surgery / with plates drawn from nature by M. Léveillé and coloured by hand under his direction ; by Christopher Heath.
  • Chirurgia parua. Guidonis. Cyrurgia Albucasis cũ cauterijs [et] alijs instrumentis. Tractatus de oculis Iesu Hali. Tractatus de oculis Canamusali / [Guy de Chauliac].
  • Iconografia d'anatomia chirurgica e di medicina operatoria / [Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery].
  • A system of surgery / By Benjamin Bell.
  • Coramina : en casos de urgencia, 5-10 cm3 por via intravenosa / CIBA.
  • A treatise on operative surgery comprising a description of the various processes of the art, including all the new operations; exhibiting the state of surgical science in its present advanced condition; with eighty plates, containing four hundred and eighty-six separate illustrations. Second edition, revised and enlarged / by Joseph Pancoast.
  • The principles of surgery, in two volumes: volume first; of the ordinary duties of the surgeon ... Volume second [& third]; a system of surgical operations / [John Bell].
  • Guilhelmi Fabricii Hildani ... Observationum et curationum chirurgicarum centuriae, nunc primum in unum opus congestae, ac in duo volumina distributae. Quorum prius continet centurias I. II. & III / [Wilhelm Fabricius Hildanus].
  • A treatise on operative surgery comprising a description of the various processes of the art, including all the new operations; exhibiting the state of surgical science in its present advanced condition; with eighty plates, containing four hundred and eighty-six separate illustrations. Second edition, revised and enlarged / by Joseph Pancoast.
  • Medico-chirurgical transactions.
  • The collected papers of Joseph, Baron Lister.
  • Medico-chirurgical transactions.
  • La methode curative des playes, et fractures de la teste humaine. : Avec les pourtraits des instruments necessaires pour la curation d'icelles. / Par M. Ambroise Paré.
  • Feldtbuch der Wundartzney. Sampt des Menschen Cörpers Anatomey, unnd Chirurgischen Instrumenten, wahrhafftig Abcontrafeyt, und beschrieben ... / Durch M. Hanns Gerszdorffen, genannt Schylhans.
  • Surgical papers / by William Steward Halsted.
  • Opus chyrurgicum, des weitberumbten Hochgelehrten und Erfarnen / Aureoli Theophrasti Paracelsi ... Wund und Artzney Buch. Darinnen begriffen welchermassen allerhandt Kränck, Gebresten unnd Mängel, so dem menschlichen Geschlecht täglich zü gewarten, nicht allein innerlich, sonder auch eusserlich, als offne Wunden und Schäden, Gewechsz, Gebresten, Frantzosen, Blatern, Lähme und dergleichen gefährliche Kranckheiten, wie dieselbigen ... in diesem neuwen herrlichen Büch züfinden, ausz Grund der rechten und warhafftigen Kunst der Artzney mögen und sollen curiert und geheylt werden. Sampt vier Büchern wolermeldts Theophrasti Paracelsi so jetzt erst hinzü kommen. Alles ... durch Herrn Adam von Bodenstein ... in Truck geben.
  • The principles of surgery, in two volumes: volume first; of the ordinary duties of the surgeon ... Volume second [& third]; a system of surgical operations / [John Bell].
  • Iconografia d'anatomia chirurgica e di medicina operatoria / [Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery].
  • La chirurgia di M. Rolando da Parma detto dei Cappezzuti : riproduzione del codice latino n. 1382 della R. Biblioteca casanatense Roma / volgarizzamento e note del Giovanni Carbonelli.
  • Iconografia d'anatomia chirurgica e di medicina operatoria / [Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery].