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84 results filtered with: Healing
  • SEM of red blood corpuscles, close-up
  • The pool of Bethesda. Oil painting by L. Chéron, ca. 1683.
  • SEM of blood clot, close-up.
  • Above, treatment of gout, below, obstetrics. Engraving.
  • Telephus (son of Hercules) cured of a potentially fatal wound with some rust from Achilles' spear, with which he had originally been wounded. Engraving after P. Brebiette, 16--.
  • The pool of Bethesda. Oil painting by L. Chéron, ca. 1683.
  • Catherine Bigot, deaf-mute woman lying on the tomb of F. de Paris being miraculously cured. Engraving.
  • Charles II touching a patient for the king's evil (scrofula) surrounded by courtiers, clergy and general public. Engraving by R. White.
  • Telephus recovering from his fatal wound with bandaged thigh and carrying Orestes. Coloured ink drawing by S.W. Kelly, 1937, after an Attic cup, ca. 450 B.C.
  • Christ healing the lame at the pool of Bethesda. Etching after J. Restout.
  • Two eyes above a woman and child and other illustrations of groups of black people interwoven with a red banner bearing words including 'give love' and 'compassion'; advertisement by the National Urban League, Inc. for those with or affected by AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • Queen Mary I touching the neck of a boy for the King's evil (scrofula). Watercolour by M.S. Lapthorn, 1911, after a watercolour, 16th. century.
  • Blood clot
  • A man suffering from mental illness or epilepsy is held up in front of an altar on which is a reliquary with the face of Christ, several lame men are also at the altar in the hope of a miracle cure. Watercolour.
  • A well-meaning health enthusiast reviewing his athletic plan for someone's recovery. Pen drawing.
  • Electron micrograph of blood clot
  • A native North American shaman or medicine man healing a patient. Chromolithograph by C. Schuessele after Captain Eastman.
  • Sick people gathered around the pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem as an angel stirs the waters. Woodcut, 15--.
  • Philippe Sergent, standing on the tomb of F. de Paris and singing after being miraculously cured of ankylosis. Engraving, 173-.
  • St. Fillan's bronze bell.
  • Queen Mary performing the Royal Touch. Oil painting by H. Hayman, 1916.
  • Front and reverse of four coin-like objects known as 'royal touch pieces' which were given by royal personages to people suffering from the king's evil (scrofula). Etching.
  • SEM of blood corpuscles in clot.
  • Lazarus's sores are licked by dogs as Dives feasts. Process print, 1931, after J. Lamsveld.