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64 results filtered with: Injections
  • Neo-Vina combinada : teraputica de la gripe y sus complicaciones / Laboratorios Salus S. de R.L.
  • An injection against croup at the Hôpital Trousseau, Paris. Photogravure by Bruun Clement, 1899, after P.A.A. Brouillet, 1893.
  • A man receiving a blood transfusion correctly, another man incorrectly and a nurse administering an injection in the arm of a woman under supervision; the nurse then administers immunisations into numerous babies under no supervision; a warning about the dangers of using unsterilized equipment and contracting the HIV virus by Spitnacs, Societal Projects Information Training Networking and Consultancy Services. Colour lithograph, ca 1997.
  • A call for combined penicillin/streptomycin a call for Crystamycin.