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615 results filtered with: Medicine
  • Medico-chirurgical transactions.
  • Opera quae extant omnia / Adriani Spigelii. Ex recensione Joh, Antonidae vander Linden.
  • A rural physician giving an elderly woman a tablet, which she views suspiciously, a younger woman stands smiling in the background. Colour stipple engraving by J. Cary, 1786, after H. Taylor.
  • Pharmacie Centrale and Bureau d'admission des malades, Paris: with a lettered key floor and street plan. Engraving by J.E. Thierry after H. Bessat, 1807.
  • Nouvelle iconographie de la Salpêtriêre.
  • Oversize ephemera : Medical songs 3.
  • Medical inquiries and observations / By Benjamin Rush, M.D.
  • Nouvelle iconographie de la Salpêtriêre.
  • Universa medicina, tribus et viginti libris absoluta. Ab ipso quidem authore ante obitum diligenter recognita, et quatuor libris nunquam ente editis ad praxim tamen perquam recessarilis aucta / Nunc autem studio & diligential Guil. Plantii ... postemun elimata et in librim therapeutices septimun doctissimis scholiis illustrata.
  • The Wellcome Centre for Medical Science : an introduction, June 1992.
  • West London medical journal.
  • Oversize ephemera : Medical songs 2.
  • Medical life.
  • The Centre for medical science and history : an introduction, May 1991.
  • Oversize ephemera : Medical songs 3.
  • Opera omnia / cum praefatione Joannis Bohnii.
  • Oversize ephemera : Medical songs 3.
  • The breviarie of health: vvherin doth folow, remedies for all maner of sicknesses & diseases, the which may be in man or woman / Expressing the obscure termes of Greke, Araby, Latin, Barbary, and English, concerning phisick and chirurgerie. Compyled by Andrew Boord, doctor of phisicke: an English-man. Now newly corrected and amended, with some approued medicines that neuer were in print before this impression, & are aptly placed in their proper chapters, by men skilfull in phisicke and chirurgerie.
  • Oversize ephemera : Medical songs 3.
  • Artis medicae liber VII[-VIII] De morbis ventris / Andreae Caesalpini.
  • Kitāb al-khamsa / Muḥammad ʻAtā Allāh al-Ḳāḍī Shānīzādih.
  • Oversize ephemera : Medical songs 2.
  • Return of wounded Confederate prisoners, under a flag of truce, during the American Civil War. Wood engraving.
  • Opera omnia / cum praefatione Joannis Bohnii.
  • Mary Putnam Jacobi, M.D., a pathfinder in medicine : with selections from her writings and a complete bibliography / edited by the Women's Medical Association of New York City.
  • The family magazine: in two parts. Part I. Containing useful directions in all the branches of house-keeping and cookery ... Part II. Containing a compendious body of physick.
  • The transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association.
  • A woman has just died: one man breaks the news to another. Wood engraving.
  • Anatomical figures (top); a physician takes the pulse of a sick man while the next two generations attend (bottom left); surgeons perform operations on a child and a woman. Etching by D. Berger, 1774, after D. Chodowiecki.
  • Oversize ephemera : Medical songs 3.