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197 results filtered with: Netherlands
  • The question "I am full ... and how are you?" advertising a quiz on alcohol abuse. Colour lithograph by Nationaal Instituut voor Gezondheidsbevordering en Ziektepreventie, 2000.
  • Three Dutch men drink and smoke round a barrel-table, behind man exits the room. Engraving by P. C. Canot, 18th century, after a painting by D. Teniers, the younger.
  • A kraamkamer (birth-room). Watercolour, 16--.
  • Statistics of mental illness in the Netherlands for 1982. Colour lithograph for the Nederlands Centrum Geestelijke Volksgezondheid, 1984.
  • Statistics of mental illness in the Netherlands for 1990. Colour lithograph for the Nederlands Centrum Geestelijke Volksgezondheid, 1992.
  • Convincing : it is impossible for any argument in favour of Sunlight to be more convincing than a trial of the soap... / Lever Brothers Ltd.
  • STOP AIDS NOW! : some things you should know about us.
  • Two Dutch men dancing together, accompanied by an accordionist. Colour photographic postcard, 190-.
  • A woman sits by a barrel table in a smoke den lighting a pipe, others stand by the fire. Lithograph by J. Selb, mid-19th century, after A. Richter after D. Teniers.
  • Two Dutch topers clasping a beer jug and smoking. Mezzotint after D. Teniers, the younger.
  • A bare-chested woman wearing jeans flings her head back and says "I only make love safely"; advertising safe sex in AIDS prevention. Colour lithograph for Bajes Special Mainline, 199-.
  • A peripatetic medicine vendor entering a house in the Netherlands. Watercolour by R. Craeyvanger, 1866.
  • Vegetables and citrus fruits represented as reducing the risk of cancer. Colour lithograph for the Nederlandse Kankerbestrijding/KWF, 2001.
  • King Louis XIV in bed, having been told that the rumour of King William III's death was untrue, is treated by physicians and surgeons representing different nations. Etching by P. Bouttats., c. 1690.
  • A vendor of spectacles showing his wares to a woman at her spinning wheel, while her family look on. Etching by D. Deuchar after A. van Ostade.
  • The heart and blood circulation system: anatomy and physiology explained through diagrams for children, with a view to heart disease prevention. Colour lithograph for the Nederlandse Hartstichting, ca. 2001.
  • A boy about to make a dangerous jump in skateboarding, while well protected with guards on the head, wrists and knees. Colour lithograph for Stichting Consument en Veiligheid, 1994.
  • The Netherlands: map. Coloured engraving after J. Palairet, 17--.
  • A Dutch country tavern with a drinker being given encouragement, a group by the fire and a serving man chalking up orders. Lithograph by F. Hanfstaengl, 1836, after D. Teniers.
  • A Dutch physician involved in share dealing in the Dutch speculation explosion of 1720. Engraving, 1720.
  • Six questions about drug abuse and six answers. Lithograph, ca. 2000.
  • A lawyer in his study. Engraving by W.H. Worthington after A. Ostade.
  • An apothecary making a concoction in the street outside his workshop. Etching.
  • Birds of the reed beds shown in their natural surroundings. Coloured lithograph by H. Schlegel.
  • Statistics of mental illness in the Netherlands for 1980. Colour lithograph for the Nederlands Centrum Geestelijke Volksgezondheid, 1982.
  • Countryside in the Netherlands: a fisherman in the foreground, a village in the background. Lithograph by N. Strixner after Rembrandt, 1811.
  • Three video cassettes (?) bearing the words 'AIDS' and the letters 'ggo'; advertising free AIDS information videos available in Arabic, Turkish and Dutch. Colour lithograph.
  • Explosion of an industrial oxygen container in a factory, causing death: before filling the reservoir of a gas motor, either nitrogen or carbon monoxide should have been used first. Colour lithograph, 192-.
  • Erik, a man with his hands on his hips with the message "He does not need to make love safely because he does not know anyone with AIDS"; an advertisement for safe sex. Lithograph.
  • Four Flemish men smoke and drink in a dingy smoke den, a man leans on the wall behind. Engraving by L. Lempereur, late 18th century, after a painting by D. Teniers, the younger.