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74 results filtered with: Pathogen
  • HIV attachment, HIV viral life cycle, illustration
  • Human epithelial cells infected with E. coli
  • Bacterial toxin in the intestine of a child
  • HIV maturation, HIV viral life cycle, illustration
  • SEM Pythium zoospores germinating on root
  • SEM of E.coli 0157
  • Human epithelial cells infected with E. coli
  • Shiga toxin uptake by human epithelial cells
  • Nanographene oxide interacting with bacteria, TEM
  • SEM Pythium spores and hyphae on root tip
  • Nanographene oxide interacting with bacteria, TEM
  • Pathogenic E. coli on the intestinal lining
  • HIV and antibodies, HIV viral life cycle, illustration
  • SEM Pythium spores germinating on root tip