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125 results filtered with: Phlebotomy
  • A surgeon-apothecary bleeding a patient, his servant boy catches the drops. Watercolour.
  • An ill man being bled by a surgeon. Coloured etching by J. Sneyd, 1804, after J. Gillray.
  • Two trees being cultivated by doctors; symbolising the differences claimed by James Morison between the 'organic' and his 'hygeist' approached to health. Lithograph, c. 1835.
  • An ill man being bled by a surgeon. Coloured etching after J. Gillray, 1804, after J. Sneyd.
  • A surgeon preparing to let blood from the foot of a girl, in the presence of five other figures. Oil painting after Richard Brakenburg.
  • A surgeon about to bleed a man's tongue, he is aided by two assistants. Engraving, 1586.
  • A surgeon letting blood from a woman's arm. Oil painting.
  • An allegory of surgery. Engraving by R. Benard after B.L. Prevost, 17--.
  • A surgeon and his black assistant letting blood from a lady's arm. Oil painting by an English painter, ca. 1780.
  • An older surgeon instructing a younger surgeon on how to bleed a male patient's arm. Engraving, 1586.
  • A surgeon binding up a woman's arm after bloodletting. Oil painting by Jacob Toorenvliet, 1666.
  • Apologetica disceptatio, qua docetur per quae loca sanguis mitti debeat in visceru[m] inflammationibus, pr[ae]sertim in pleuritide.
  • A surgeon binding up a woman's arm after bloodletting. Oil painting by Jacob Toorenvliet, 1666.
  • Mexico: a Mayan shaman or medicine man performing bloodletting on a patient seated on a fallen tree. Photograph, ca. 1920.
  • Nursing and charitable acts of the "Soeurs de la Charité" or Sisters of Love; with the alphabet: A-K, T-Z, ab-h. Coloured line engraving.
  • A surgeon consulting an older surgeon before bleeding an man's hand, he is aided by an assistant and a woman. Engraving, 1586.
  • A surgeon consulting an older surgeon before bleeding an man's hand, he is aided by an assistant and a woman. Engraving, 1586.
  • Practitioners and patients in a busy barber-surgeon's shop; represented by monkeys and cats. Engraving by C. Boel after D. Teniers.
  • A surgeon binding up a woman's arm after bloodletting. Oil painting by Jacob Toorenvliet, 1666.
  • Allmanach auff das 1581 jar ... / Durch Petrum Slovacium gestellet auff den Meridian der kayserlichen Stadt Breslaw.
  • A family threatened by influenza is prepared for a large scale bloodletting. Coloured etching, 18--.
  • An ill man being bled by a surgeon. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1804, after J. Sneyd.
  • John Bull being bled while lying in bed and surrounded by four women; referring to Britain being drained of resources by Peel's new government. Coloured lithograph by J. Doyle, 1842.
  • Four vignettes demonstrating different cauterisation points on naked human bodies. Watercolour after a twelfth century manuscript.
  • A surgeon bleeding Ragotin's arm - upon waking and attempting to get dressed he discovered his clothes were too tight and he believes his body has swollen in the night. Engraving.
  • Il vero disegno degl'interiori del corpo umano : con instruttione, e regola, per sapere bene tagliare le vene in tutte le parti del detto corpo humano, secondo l'opinione de' medici antichi, & moderni più famosi / Di nuovo raccolte, & date in luce da Antonio Moneta.
  • A surgeon about to bleed a male patient's leg, he is observed by an older physician and aided by an assistant. Engraving, 1586.
  • A surgeon about to bleed a woman's foot, he is observed by an older surgeon and aided by an assistant, another woman comforts the patient. Engraving, 1586.
  • Interior of a surgery with a woman having blood let from the arm, a surgeon treating a man's injured foot, and other figures. Oil painting by Egbert van Heemskerck.
  • Esbatal : Esbatal has been shown to be preferred by the patients themselves as an anti-hypertensive therapy ...