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185 results filtered with: Rome (Italy)
  • Pope Gregory XIII appointing the principal of the Ospedale Santo Spirito in Sassia, Rome. Photograph by Ditta Vasari, 19-- (?) after a fresco painting.
  • Lucrezia Cenci and  Beatrice Cenci are beheaded in Rome: an executioner holds up the head of Beatrice, whose brother faints at the sight. Etching, ca. 1850.
  • A marble tripod. Etching by G.B. Piranesi, ca. 1770.
  • The Viminal hill, Rome, seen from the slopes of the Quirinal. Etching by B. Pinelli, 1825.
  • Beatrice Cenci and her stepmother, in bed in prison in Rome, hear their mandate of execution being read by a Papal envoy accompanied by members of a confraternity of Saint John the Baptist. Etching, ca. 1850.
  • Rome: view across the River Tiber, showing the Temple of Vesta and the campanile of S. Maria in Cosmedin. Photograph, 1880/1910?.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor in Rome. Oil painting after Karel Dujardin (?).
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares on stage with the aid of three musicians to an audience in the ruins of a temple. Etching by J.J. de Boissieu, 1773.
  • A marble urn. Etching by G.B. Piranesi, ca. 1770.
  • Plague victims in Rome receiving the Eucharist from a cardinal in procession. Etching by A. Legros.
  • Buildings of the city of Rome under a burning sun and the words 'Living places obligations!' representing an appeal for donations to the Bayerische AIDS Stiftung to benefit those with HIV and AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • Galileo Galilei at his trial by the Inquisition in Rome in 1633. Photograph of a painting.
  • Episodes in the plague in Rome in 1656-1657. Etching.
  • Elenco delle dimostrazioni anatomiche che faranno li studenti del ven. arcispedale di S. Giacomo in Augusta detto degl'incurabili : nel teatro anatomico alle ore 22. degl'infrascritti giorni sotto la direzione di Giuseppe Sisco.
  • A man being hit on the head by a falling flower-pot in Rome, Via del Nazzareno. Oil painting, ca. 1890.
  • Bando sopra la sanità : il Cardinale Rubini legato : havendo la sanità di Nostro Signore col Suo sommo zelo per la conservazione della publica salute fatto spedire, e publicare in Roma l'infrascritto bando sopra la sanità, ordiniamo, e commandiamo sia anche in questa legatione publicato, & in tutte le sue parti puntualmente osservato sotto la pene, che in esso si contengono. Dat. in Pesaro nel Palazzo Apostolico questo di 17. Gennaro 1691 / P. Patriarca di Gerusalemme Vicelegato ; Pietro Card. Otthoboni, Gio: Battista Spinola Segr.
  • Episodes in the plague in Rome in 1656-1657. Etching.
  • A marble altar to Apollo. Etching by G.B. Piranesi, ca. 1770.
  • A woman in Rome is trying to separate two women fighting, one is holding a stick, the other is holding a bucket; a child crying in the background. Etching by B. Pinelli, 1809.
  • A couple dance the salterello as a woman plays the tambourine and a man plays a lute. Engraving by Luigi Barocci after Cesare Masini.
  • The Colosseum, Rome: a friar is preaching to a crowd of people. Etching by B. Pinelli, 1809.
  • Rome: people praying at a catafalque in a church for the souls in purgatory. Coloured lithograph by F. Villain after A.J.-B. Thomas, 1823.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor in Rome. Oil painting after Karel Dujardin (?).
  • An itinerant medicine vendor in Rome. Oil painting after Karel Dujardin (?).
  • Three marble vases. Etching by G.B. Piranesi, ca. 1770.
  • The hospital of San Michele at the port of Ripa grande, Italy. Engraving by D. Montaigu after J. Barbault.
  • The widow of a murdered French envoy in Rome pleading for her life: a man tells her "We are Romans, we do not kill women". Etching after J.D. Schubert.
  • Episodes in the plague in Rome in 1656-1657. Etching.
  • Dr Robert Hay portrayed as a "bearleader" (a travelling tutor) in Rome, leading a bear dressed in a frock coat. Etching by Arthur Pond, 1737, after P.L. Ghezzi.
  • A large marble urn. Etching by G.B. Piranesi, ca. 1770.