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153 results filtered with: Scholars
  • Christ Church, Oxford: from the gardens. Coloured etching by W.B. Cooke, 1838, after J.M. Ince.
  • Magdalen College, Oxford: new hall. Lithograph.
  • Christ Church, Oxford: interior of hall. Line engraving by J. Le Keux, 1833, after F. Mackenzie.
  • New College, Oxford: from the gardens. Lithograph.
  • Winchester College, Winchester, Hampshire: entrance gate. Tinted lithograph by F. Bedford.
  • The planets and signs of the zodiac send down their influence on to the body of a man on earth; women representing nature (?) and medicine stand on the left, while scholars watch and dispute on the right. Engraving, 16--.
  • Lincoln College, Oxford: the west facade. Line engraving by S. Lacey.
  • All Souls College, Oxford. Line engraving by J. Skelton, 1796.
  • Oxford: panoramic view of the High Street showing various colleges and churches. Line engraving by J. Newman.
  • Bodleian Library, Oxford: Duke Humfrey's library with a man studying. Line engraving by J. Le Keux after F. Mackenzie.
  • The god Jupiter flanked by two scholars with winged heads and glasses. Engraving by E. Delaune, ca. 1560.
  • A scholar sits in his study reading by a globe, a woman peeps from behind a screen. Etching by J.S. Cotman.
  • Queen's College, Oxford: entranceway. Line engraving by E.F. McCabe, 1824, after R.B. Harraden.
  • D. Pauli Freheri ... Theatrum virorum eruditione clarorum. In quo vitæ & scripta theologorum, jureconsultorum, medicorum & philosophorum tàm in Germania superiore & inferiore, quàm in aliis Europæ regionibus, Græcia nempè, Hispania, Italia, Gallia, Anglia, Polonia, Hungaria, Bohemia, Dania & Suecia a seculis aliquot, ad hæc usque tempora, florentium, secundum annorum emortalium seriem, tanquam variis in scenis repræsentantur. Opus omnibus eruditis lectu jucundissimum in quatuor partes divisum, quarum I. Theologos varios. II. Magnates, jurisconsultos & politicos. III. Medicos, chymicos, botanicos, anatomicos &c. IV. Philosophos, philologos, historicos, mathematicos, poetas, &c complectitur. Cum indice locupletissimo / [Paulus Freher].
  • Oriel College, Oxford: quadrangle. Line engraving by G. Hollis, 1836, after J.S. Prout.
  • Friar Bacon's Study, Oxford: including the river. Line engraving by G. Hawkins.
  • Bodleian Library, Oxford: interior panoramic view with key. Line engraving.
  • St. John's College, Oxford: gateway leading to the quadrangle. Etching by H. Toussaint.
  • Christ Church, Oxford: prayers in the chapel. Coloured aquatint by F.C. Lewis, 1813, after F. Nash.
  • Divinity School, Oxford: hallway. Line engraving by J. Le Keux, 1836, after F. Mackenzie.
  • St. John's College, Oxford. Etching by J. Pennell.
  • An alchemist poring over a book, on his table stand an hour-glass, a skull, and an astrological globe. Engraving by J.N. Tardieu after D. Teniers the younger, 1640/1650.
  • Munich University, Munich, Germany: panoramic view. Line engraving by G. Seeberger.
  • Queen's College, Oxford: gateway. Line engraving.
  • Clarendon printing house, Oxford: with a glimpse of the Sheldonian Theatre behind. Aquatint by T. Malton.
  • Maggiore Hospital, Milan, Italy. Coloured aquatint by G. Ruff after A. Sidoli after G. Migliara.
  • Hertford College, Oxford. Etching by J. Whessall after himself.
  • Pembroke College, Oxford: new hall. Wood engraving by C. D. Laing, 1849, after J. Hayward.
  • All Souls College, Oxford: showing the lodge and Queen's College. Line engraving by J. Le Keux after F. Mackenzie.
  • Trinity College, Oxford: from Broad Street. Line engraving by M.A. Rooker after himself, 1785.