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140 results filtered with: Syphilis
  • Atlas of syphilis / by Leo v. Zumbusch.
  • Illustrative plate showing skin of the scrotum and perineum area diseased with Syphilis.
  • Parler des problèmes de santé gênants, pourquoi s'en préoccuper, et à qui s'adresser? / ARCAT.
  • La sifilide / poema di Girolamo Fracastoro ; tradotto da Gio. Luigi Zaccarelli.
  • An opening into taking care : condoms can prevent: chlamydia, gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, HIV infection, syphilis, other sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Prevention and treatment of syphilis and gonorrhoea, and their effect on the children of people infected. Colour lithograph, ca. 1950.
  • Syphilis: its symptoms, transmission and consequences in Turkey. Colour lithograph by Refet Başokçu, 193-.
  • A healthy-looking man with a tourniquet having a blood test, as apparent health can conceal syphilis. Colour lithograph by L. Karsakov, 1941.
  • Hieronymus Fracastorius (Girolamo Fracastoro) shows the shepherd Syphilus and the hunter Ilceus a statue of Venus to warn them against the danger of infection with syphilis. Engraving by Jan Sadeler I, 1588/1595, after Christoph Schwartz.
  • A line of people stand along a shopping street representing a warning about the risk of STD's by the AIDS STD Unit, Health Department, Victoria. Colour lithograph, July 1992.
  • Information in English and Maori (on verso) on AIDS and how it is transmitted and prevented. Lithograph.
  • The dance of death. Coloured etching by I. Cruikshank, 1808, after G.M. Woodward, ca. 1795/1797.
  • A black woman preparing to go out by brushing her hair, applying lipstick, attaching an earring and putting a condom in her bag with a message about the benefits of using a condom to prevent AIDS; advertisement by HERO, Health Education Resource Organisation, Baltimore. Lithograph by HEROglyphics, 1990.
  • Cases of the diabetes mellitus; with the results of the trials of certain acids, and other substances, in the cure of the lues venerea / [John Rollo].
  • A warning against sexually transmitted diseases: in a three-horse race watched by Death, syphilis is about to overtake tuberculosis, while cancer comes third. Colour lithograph by E.-C. Jodelet, 1926.
  • De morbis acutis infantum / autore Gualtero Harris.
  • A provocative naked young woman lying on a bed, death (a cloaked skeleton) sits at her side, a naked man walks away from the bed with his head bowed, towards a throng of diseased and dying people; representing syphilis. Watercolour by R. Cooper.
  • Consultations de dépistage anonyme et gratuit : hépatites B et C, Sida, syphilis : où en êtes-vous? / Conseil général de l'Essonne.
  • Coloured illustration of female breast diseased with Syphilis.
  • Atlas of skin and venereal diseases / comprising original illustrations and selections from the plates of M. Kaposi [and others] ; with original text by Prince A. Morrow.
  • A soldier eyes a prostitute; the same soldier later suffers from syphilis or another sexually transmitted disease. Colour lithograph by Blas, 1936/1939.
  • A man leans against some lockers holding two books with a warning about the connection between sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS; a poster from the America responds to Aids advertising campaign. Lithograph.
  • A diseased heart, showing an aortic aneursym with an enlarged left ventricle. Chromolithograph by W. Gummelt, ca. 1897.
  • Atlas of syphilis / by Leo v. Zumbusch.
  • Quand on a la syphilis, ça se voit toujours? / Sida Info Service.
  • L'experience et approbation Vlrich qe Hutem ... Touchant la medecine du boys dit guaiacum pour circonuenir et dechasser la maladie de Neaples / traduicte et interpretée par maistre Jehan Cheradame ... Nouvellement imprimée à Paris.
  • Atlas of skin and venereal diseases / comprising original illustrations and selections from the plates of M. Kaposi [and others] ; with original text by Prince A. Morrow.
  • VIH / sida... : et si j'ai pris un risque? ... : Sida, Hépatites, syphilis, où en êtes-vous? / AIDES.
  • An opening into taking care : condoms can prevent: cervical cancer, chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV infection, syphilis, other sexually transmitted diseases ... and pregnancy.
  • Consultations de dépistage anonyme et gratuit : hépatites B et C, Sida, syphilis : où en êtes-vous? / Conseil général de l'Essonne.