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2,116 results filtered with: Caricatures
  • The Beggar's Opera performed by actors with animal heads; musicians in the foreground. Etching, 1833.
  • A doctor holding death at bay from his patient: illustrated by him squirting a syringe at a skeletal figure entering via the window. Line engraving by N. Goodnight, 1787, after S. Collings.
  • The Midlothian campaign of 1879-1880: William Gladstone runs past the Earl of Dalkeith who lies on the ground amid burning faggots. Engraving by A. Mantrop, 1879/1880.
  • A French physician on his rounds with his entourage. Etching by J. Caldwell, 1771, after M. Brandoin.
  • Paul Camille Hippolyte Brouardel. Process print after J. Veber.
  • A town gentlemen exclaiming to his servant about a extremely long doctor's bill. Coloured etching by W. Heath, 1823.
  • [50 coloured plates / engraved by Martin Engelbrecht, from 18th-cent. German works. These are caricatures of different types of tradesmen and their wives, with the costume, tools, and apparatus of their craft. Among them are an apothecary, a spicer, and a spectacle-maker. The plates are similar to those in Larmessin's 'Album des métiers'. The artists include J.J. Stelzer, P.A. Dagmier, and P.F. Engelbrecht. All the plates except the first two have legends in French and German and appear to be from the same work].
  • The Walcheren inquiry into the misconduct of the Army Medical Board of three, resulting in its abolition. Etching attributed to T. Rowlandson. 1810.
  • Interior of a dentist's surgery with animal participants. Reproduction of a coloured wood engraving.
  • A country farmyard: a woman refuses to let a clergyman walk away with a pig offered as tithes unless he also takes her child. Engraving, 17--.
  • Jules Grévy takes the pulse of Marshal Macmahon, who lies sick in bed with a priest and another man; they are choking from the fumes of their burning bed; Léon Gambetta emerges from behind the scenes carrying a clyster. Coloured wood engraving, 1879.
  • An obese bald-headed old man seated in an armchair while a hairdresser pours macassar oil from a bottle on to his scalp. Etching after T. Rowlandson, ca. 1814.
  • A surgery where all fantasy and follies are purged and good qualities are prescribed. Line engraving by E. de Boulonnois, 16--.
  • A doctor prescribing continuation of treatment to his reluctant patient. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson, 1799, after G.M. Woodward.
  • A bemused husband querying a doctor as to how his wife of only six months can have already given birth to a child. Wood engraving, 1838.
  • Pages in a book; left, a Liberal page illustrated with a happy child, a cornucopia and a medallion of Gladstone; right, a Tory page illustrated with an unhappy child and a serpent depicted with the face of Disraeli. Engraving after W. Dewane, ca. 1880.
  • A physician holds his nose as he examines the faeces of a patient. Etching by T.L. Busby, ca. 1826.
  • Bonnell Thornton lying ill in bed, consulting three physicians and pointing out their inadequacies. Coloured etching attributed to C. Williams.
  • A large woman and a small dog relieving themselves in a bush; a woman standing to the left attempts to assist by shielding the woman with a large fan. Coloured etching by R. Hixon, 1800, after G.M. Woodward.
  • W.E. Gladstone and other Liberal politicians as prisoners being released from prison; relatives and friends waiting for them at the gate. Colour lithograph by Tom Merry, 18 December 1886.
  • A barber's shop. Coloured etching after W.H. Bunbury.
  • British politicians playing cricket: Parnell, batting with a bat marked "treason" is bowled by The times newspaper. Colour lithograph by Tom Merry, 14 May 1887.
  • An entomologist at work; represented by a composite man made up of insects. Coloured lithograph by G.E. Madeley, 1830, after G. Spratt.
  • An obese man talking to a tall lean woman. Pen drawing, 1796.
  • Personifications of law, medicine and theology argue over the superiority of their respective professions. Engraving by GWHWHNM, ca. 1720.
  • A futuristic vision: the advance of technology leads to rapid transport, sophisticated tastes among the masses, mechanization, and extravagant building projects. Coloured etching by W. Heath, 1829.
  • John Wolcot (Peter Pindar) with a copy of his 'Odes' in his pocket, shrinks from an approaching gentleman with a paper labelled 'pension'. Etching attributed to T. Rowlandson, ca. 1787.
  • A travelling procession of health officials who ironically praise the coming of vaccination. Etching.
  • A statue of a physician as Aesculapius whose shadow forms the shape of a donkey. Pen drawing by Gay-again, 1831.
  • A Scotsman in Highland dress seated with his legs down two latrines, grasping the "Act for establishing Popery"; representing the Scottish rejection of the Catholic Relief Act. Etching, 1779.