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366 results filtered with: General Surgery
  • Practical observations in surgery: more particularly as regards the Naval and Military Service / Illustrated by cases, and various official documents.
  • A treatise on operative surgery comprising a description of the various processes of the art, including all the new operations; exhibiting the state of surgical science in its present advanced condition; with eighty plates, containing four hundred and eighty-six separate illustrations. Second edition, revised and enlarged / by Joseph Pancoast.
  • Surgical papers / by William Steward Halsted.
  • Medico-chirurgical transactions.
  • Mellificium chirurgiae. Or, the marrow of chirurgery. An anatomical treatise / Institutions of physick, with Hippocrates's Aphorisms largely commented upon. The marrow of physick, shewing the causes, signs and cures of most diseases incident to human bodies. Choice experienced receits for the cure of several distempers. Illustrated in its several parts with twelve brass cuts.
  • Mellificium chirurgiae. Or, the marrow of chirurgery much enlarged. To which is now added anatomy ... and also the marrow of physick / [James Cooke].
  • Ars chirurgica. A compendium of the theory and practice of chirurgery. In seven books ... To which is added Pharmacopoeia chirurgica; or the medical store, Latin and English: which contains ... choice preparations or medicaments, fitted for the compleat ... practice both of physick and chirurgery / By William Salmon.
  • Iconografia d'anatomia chirurgica e di medicina operatoria / [Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery].
  • A general system of surgery in three parts : containing the doctrine and management I. of wounds, fractures, luxations, tumours, and ulcers, of all kinds II. of the several operations performed on all parts of the body III. of the several bandages applied in all operations and disorders To which is prefixed an introduction concerning the nature, origin, progress, and improvements of surgery ... / Translated into English. By Lawrence Heister.
  • La chirurgia di M. Rolando da Parma detto dei Cappezzuti : riproduzione del codice latino n. 1382 della R. Biblioteca casanatense Roma / volgarizzamento e note del Giovanni Carbonelli.
  • Pyrotechnie chirurgicale-pratique, ou l'art d'appliquer le feu en chirurgie / [Pierre-François Percy].
  • Iconografia d'anatomia chirurgica e di medicina operatoria / [Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery].
  • The surgeons mate, or, Military & domestique surgery : discovering ... ye method and order of ye surgeons chest, ye uses of the instruments, the vertues and operations of ye medicines, with ye exact cures of wounds made by gun-shott, and otherwise ... with a treatise of ye cure of ye plague ... / John Woodal.
  • A treatise on operative surgery comprising a description of the various processes of the art, including all the new operations; exhibiting the state of surgical science in its present advanced condition; with eighty plates, containing four hundred and eighty-six separate illustrations. Second edition, revised and enlarged / by Joseph Pancoast.
  • A treatise on operative surgery comprising a description of the various processes of the art, including all the new operations; exhibiting the state of surgical science in its present advanced condition; with eighty plates, containing four hundred and eighty-six separate illustrations. Second edition, revised and enlarged / by Joseph Pancoast.
  • Gasparis Taliacotii ... De curtorum chirurgia per insitionem, libri duo. In quibus ea omnia, quae ad huius chirurgiae, narium scilicet, aurium, ac labiorum per insitionem restaurandorum cum theoricen, tum practicen pertinere videbantur, clarissima methodo cumulatissimè declarantur. Additis cutis traducis instrumentorum omnium, atque deligationum iconibus, & tabulis. Cum indice quadruplici expeditissimo, capitum singulorum, authorum, controversiarum, rerum denique & verborum memorabilium ... / [Gaspare Tagliacozzi].
  • La methode curative des playes, et fractures de la teste humaine. : Avec les pourtraits des instruments necessaires pour la curation d'icelles. / Par M. Ambroise Paré.
  • La chirurgia di M. Rolando da Parma detto dei Cappezzuti : riproduzione del codice latino n. 1382 della R. Biblioteca casanatense Roma / volgarizzamento e note del Giovanni Carbonelli.
  • La methode curative des playes, et fractures de la teste humaine. : Avec les pourtraits des instruments necessaires pour la curation d'icelles. / Par M. Ambroise Paré.
  • A treatise on operative surgery comprising a description of the various processes of the art, including all the new operations; exhibiting the state of surgical science in its present advanced condition; with eighty plates, containing four hundred and eighty-six separate illustrations. Second edition, revised and enlarged / by Joseph Pancoast.
  • The Indian medical gazette.
  • Les œuvres de M. Ambroise Paré ... Avec les figures et portraicts tant de l'anatomie que des instruments de chirurgie, et de plusieurs monstres. Le tout divisé en vingt six livres.
  • A treatise on operative surgery comprising a description of the various processes of the art, including all the new operations; exhibiting the state of surgical science in its present advanced condition; with eighty plates, containing four hundred and eighty-six separate illustrations. Second edition, revised and enlarged / by Joseph Pancoast.
  • Cours d'operations de chirurgie, démontrées au Jardin Royal ... / Par Mr. Dionis.
  • Le chirurgie françoise recueillie des antiens médecins et chirurgiens. Avec plusieurs figures des instrumens necesseres pour l'opération manuelle / Par Iacques Guillemeau.
  • A treatise on operative surgery comprising a description of the various processes of the art, including all the new operations; exhibiting the state of surgical science in its present advanced condition; with eighty plates, containing four hundred and eighty-six separate illustrations. Second edition, revised and enlarged / by Joseph Pancoast.
  • Observationum et curationum cheirurgicarum centuria tertia. Epistolis nonnullis virorum doctissimorum, nec non instrumentis cheirurgicis, ab authore inventis illustrata. Accessit epistola, de nova ... herniae uterinae, et partus Caesarei historia ... scripta, a M. Doringio. Item authoris ad hunc responsio epistolica / [Wilhelm Fabricius Hildanus].
  • Le chirurgie françoise recueillie des antiens médecins et chirurgiens. Avec plusieurs figures des instrumens necesseres pour l'opération manuelle / Par Iacques Guillemeau.
  • Surgical papers / by William Steward Halsted.
  • Doctor Jeremy Snob / written by J.G. Maxwell.