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321 results filtered with: Helplines
  • Questions about HIV and AIDS : call us at National AIDS Helplines / issued by the United Kingdom Health Departments.
  • Advice on AIDS and where to get help, HIV statistics in Europe, and quotations from celebrities. Colour lithograph by Pierre Matthey in cooperation with PWA (People With AIDS) Schweiz.
  • The words "Pro + NRW" at the top and services offered at a meeting on October 16 1993 organized by the AIDS-Hilfe NRW. Colour lithograph, 1993.
  • Infirmier(ère)s, médecins, dentistes, pharmacien(ne)s... vous avez des questions sure le VIH, les hépatiites et les IST : des professsionels de santé vous répondent / VIH Info Soignants, une ligne de Sida Info Service.
  • Helpline : Body Positive, 51B Philbeach Gardens, Earls Court, London SW5 9EB.
  • Après un test VIH ne laissez pas vos questions sans réponses / Sida Info Service.
  • Hépatites B & C : pour répondre à vos questions / Ministère de la Santé, de la Jeunesse des Sports et de la Vie Associative ; INPES, Institut National de Prévention et d'Éducation pour la Santé.
  • What does Taking Care mean for you? / Lothian Health Board.
  • Sanctuary : caring from the heart, for all men, women and children, confronted with HIV and AIDS / Sanctuary.
  • A woman and a man on the telephone representing the AIDS Spanish Helpline; advertisement by the San Franciso AIDS Foundation. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • A man and woman holding their children representing information about AIDS for families through the AIDS Helpline. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A white telephone advertising AIDS counselling services offered by health authorities and voluntary organizations; with the message ''Save love. Stop AIDS". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, 199-.
  • A woman whispers into the ear of a man 'Turn it on' with an AIDS helpline; a safe sex advertisement in a collaboration with Leona Detiège, Flemish Minister of Employment and Social Affairs and the condom makers, Durex. Lithograph by VVL/BBDO, ca. 1995.
  • What is Body Positive : Body P{ostive is for women, menand children affected by HIV or AIDS / Body Positive.
  • A black and a white syringe against a background of swirling white lines representing an advertisement for Project 'AIDS en Druggebruik' and the AIDS Information line in the Netherlands; advertisement by the N.I.A.D [Nederlands Instituut voor Alcohol en Drugs]. Colour lithograph.
  • A telephone directory list highlighting the numbers for the AIDS information line and HIV + line with times available; advertisement by AIDS Fonds Stichting. Colour lithograph by Doc Visser of Harry Poortman Design Works.
  • Pen pal group : Body Positive, 51B Philbeach Gardens, Earls Court, London SW5 9EB.
  • On m'avait dit que t'avais beaucoup de sex appeal... : mais j'avais pas compris que sexe "à pile", moi... / Ligne Azur.
  • The legs of a man and woman representing an advertisement for AIDS Vancouver. Colour lithograph.
  • A world map with figures and statistics highlighting the numbers of those with the HIV virus; with the message that over 50% of heterosexual HIV transmission in Norway occurs abroad; an advertisement by The Norwegian Institute of Public Health. Colour lithograph by , ca. 1995.
  • ASK, Active Source of Knowledge : if you want to know the answer, ask the experts : the national AIDS helpline 0800 567 123 ...
  • Two hands on top of each other within a blue triangle with a computer screen and telephone and details of the AIDS information services: Minitel Dialogue, Numero Vert and the SIDA Info-Service; advertisement by AIDES. Colour lithograph.
  • On regarde Secret Academy? : Ah non. C'est d' la merde et ça rend accro! / Ligne Azur.
  • A white telephone advertising AIDS counselling services offered by health authorities and voluntary organizations; with the message ''AIDS does not come from swimming". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, 199-.
  • A telephone dial representing an advertisement for an AIDS helpline to mark World AIDS Day in Israel. Lithograph, 1994.
  • Après un test VIH ne laissez pas vos questions sans réponses / Sida Info Service.
  • Information : Body Positive, 51B Philbeach Gardens, Earls Court, London SW5 9EB.
  • Information : Body Positive, 51B Philbeach Gardens, Earls Court, London SW5 9EB.
  • The word SIDA in bold colours with the message 'prevention is in your hands' representing an advertisement for an AIDS helpline by the Région de Murcia Consejería de Sanidad. Colour lithograph by Erudio, 1991.
  • Écouter, informer, orienter, témoigner, soutenir, contribuer / Sida Info Service.