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143 results filtered with: Mortars
  • Nursing and charitable acts of the "Soeurs de la Charité" or Sisters of Love; with the alphabet: A-K, T-Z, ab-h. Coloured line engraving.
  • An interior of 'Marshalls', a famous dentist's shop near Berwick Street, Soho. Watercolour, 1789.
  • Richard Burdon Haldane as an alchemist using bellows, representing his eloquence, to distil a new military unit from three older units. Pen drawing by A.S. Boyd, 1907.
  • Sir John Simon (?) in his role as the first Medical Officer of Health for the City of London putting pressure on the Corporation of London to act upon the pestilential conditions of the graveyards in the City. Lithograph by Bolus, 1851.
  • A physician stirring medicine in a cup which is refused by a repulsed little girl, her mother stands behind her smiling. Mezzotint by J. Jervis, 1842, after W. White.
  • A man composed of pharmaceutical equipment, surrounded by medicinal plants. Engraving by N. de Larmessin, 1695.
  • A group of children playing at being doctors and pharmacists, mother and grandmother approach through a door. Photogravure after F.D. Hardy.
  • A small boy at an apothecary's shop. Reproduction of a lithograph by A. Holswilder, c. 1890.
  • An apothecary using a pestle and mortar to make up a prescription. Coloured etching.
  • Old Parr, an elderly apothecary with an extremely long beard mixing a concoction with a pestle and mortar. Pen drawing by Matthews(?), 1861(?).
  • A sour faced apothecary putting together a prescription. Coloured engraving.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor performing on stage with two assistants and a monkey, selling his wares to an excitable crowd. Coloured wood engraving by J. Oortman.
  • An apothecary is making up a prescription for waiting customers, another takes a jar down from a shelf. Engraving by J.C. Weigel.
  • Monkeys representing human beings in a tooth-drawer's surgery. Lithograph by L. Haghe after E. Bristow, 1828.
  • A rural surgeon treating an elderly man's foot, in the background an assistant is mixing a concoction with a pestle and mortar amidst a busy workshop. Etching by W. Unger after D. Teniers, the younger.
  • Death as a lethal confectioner making up sweets using arsenic and plaster of Paris as ingredients; representing the toxic adulteration of sweets in the 1858 Bradford sweets poisoning. Wood engraving after J. Leech, 1858.
  • Interior of a pharmaceutical laboratory with people at work; the shop is visible through a doorway. Engraving, 1747.
  • An alchemist of the 'puffer' (uninitiated) type, surrounded by equipment. Engraving by W. French after D. Teniers the younger.
  • Nursing and charitable acts of the "Soeurs de la Charité" or Sisters of Love; with the alphabet: A-K, T-Z, ab-h. Coloured line engraving.
  • A monkey holding a clyster in an apothecary's shop. Engraving after D. Teniers the younger.
  • A sour faced apothecary putting together a prescription. Coloured engraving.
  • An alchemist holding tongs at his furnace. Etching by J. Wagner after D. Maggiotto.
  • A surgeon applying the method of cupping to a man's back: they are surrounded by anxious family and friends. Etching by A. Fantuzzi, ca. 1542, after G. Romano.
  • Two drunken soldiers ask an apothecary for some 'eau de vie' - some brandy. Coloured lithograph by J. Rigo.
  • An apothecary with pharmaceutical equipment seated in an arched window. Etching by B.A. Dunker after G. Metsu.
  • A surgeon treating an elderly man's foot, in the background an assistant is mixing a concoction with a pestle and mortar. Lithograph after D. Teniers, the younger.
  • Monkeys representing human beings in a tooth-drawer's surgery. Lithograph by L. Haghe after E. Bristow, 1828.
  • An apothecary grinding a mixture with his pestle and mortar, amidst a working town. Woodcut by Brant(?).
  • Interior of a pharmacy, the pharmacist and his apprentice at work. Engraving.
  • A surgery where all fantasy and follies are purged and good qualities are prescribed. Line engraving by E. de Boulonnois, 16--.