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260 results filtered with: Science
  • Sense about... science for celebrities / Sense About Science.
  • Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Jesu Mundus subterraneus, in XII libros digestus; qvo divinum subterrestris mundi opificium, mira ergasteriorum naturae in eo distributio, verbo Pantamorphon Protei regnum, universae denique naturae majestas et divitiae summa rerum varietate exponuntur. Abditorum effectuum causae acri indagine inquisitae demonstrantur; cognitae per artis et naturae conjugium ad humanae vitae necessarium usum vario experimentorum apparatu, necnon novo modo, et ratione applicantur. Ad Alexandrum VII. pont. opt. max. Editio tertia, ad fidem scripti exemplaris recognita, & prioribus emendatior: tum ab auctore Româ submissis variis observationibus novisque figuris auctior ... / [Athanasius Kircher].
  • Philosophical transactions, giving some account of the present undertakings, studies, and labours of the ingenious, in many considerable parts of the world.
  • Facts about the Ontario Science Centre.
  • Physics: scientific equipment. Coloured engraving by J. Emslie, 1850, after himself.
  • Essays and observations, physical and literary : read before a society in Edinburgh, and published by them.
  • The philosophical transactions (from the year 1732, to the year 1744) abridged, and disposed under general heads : the Latin papers being translated into English / By John Martyn ... In two volumes.
  • Some considerations touching the usefulnesse of experimental naturall philosophy. Propos'd in familiar discourses to a friend, by way of invitation to the study of it / [Anon].
  • Philosophical transactions, giving some account of the present undertakings, studies, and labours of the ingenious, in many considerable parts of the world.
  • Pneumatics: an air-rifle and a kind of windmill. Engraving by J. Taylor.
  • Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London.
  • An alchemist's laboratory inhabited by monkeys: to the right they are shown calling at the poorhouse, destitute after their obsessive, fruitless experiments. Etching by P. van der Borcht, ca. 1580.
  • Physics: a magnetic needle [?], with logarithmic apparatus (below). Engraving.
  • Philosophical transactions, giving some account of the present undertakings, studies, and labours of the ingenious, in many considerable parts of the world.
  • The Centre for medical science and history : an introduction, May 1991.
  • Sense about... science for celebrities / Sense About Science.
  • Nineteen scenes depicting popular disillusionment with doctors and medicine. Coloured wood engraving by Henriot, ca. 1900.
  • Philosophical transactions, giving some account of the present undertakings, studies, and labours of the ingenious, in many considerable parts of the world.
  • Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia: hall. Line engraving.
  • Opera omnia ... tam hactenus excusa, hîc tamen aucta & emendata, quàm nunquam aliàs visa ac primùm ex auctoris ipsius autographis eruta curâ Caroli Sponii ... / [Girolamo Cardano].
  • A young homoeopathic doctor converses with his patient. Coloured photolithograph.
  • A dwarfish alchemist, caricatured because of the vanity of his obsession. Line engraving, c. 1720.
  • Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London.
  • Doctor Zirkel follows Newton's famous steps under the fabled apple tree. Coloured wood engraving.
  • Profili bio-bibliografici di medici e naturalisti celebri italiani dal sec. XVo al sec. XVIIIo / [P. Capparoni].
  • P. Gasparis Schotti ... Technica curiosa, sive mirabilia artis libri XII comprehensa .... / [Gaspar Schott].
  • Dear Sir or Madam : year book of the Royal Society, 1954... / E.J. Salisbury, D. Brunt.
  • CERMES : Centre de Recherches Médecine, Sciences, Santé et Société : à l'attention de : à la part de : 182 Boulevard de la Villette 75019 Paris.
  • Electricity: scientific and electrical equipment. Coloured engraving by J. Emslie, 1850, after himself.
  • Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London.