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189 results filtered with: Sexually transmitted diseases
  • The United States Army in World War II: deployment of troops in Europe and the Pacific, and prevention of venereal disease. Colour lithograph, December 1945.
  • A school girl being pulled away from a man offering her money for sex; an advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS by the STD/AIDS Control Programme, Ministry of Health, Uganda. Colour lithograph by Bayo, D.S., 1993.
  • Skulls infected with venereal disease: two figures. Line engraving by C. Grignion, ca. 1788.
  • The face of a woman half obscured by the vertical lettering Lafla Klinikken; an advertisement for a clinic for sexually transmitted diseases and HIV in Oslo. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A glass with a warning that you can't catch AIDS from sharing a drink; advertisement for AIDS information lines by the California Medical Association. Colour lithograph.
  • A woman's pair of jeans and a man's pair of trousers on a chair with a message addressed to Virginie: "When you make love with Pierre, think about protection ... to avoid spreading sexually transmitted diseases and HIV"; advertisement for the SIDA Info Service by the Ministère de la Santé Publique et de l'Assurance Maladie. Colour lithograph.
  • A woman seducing an American airman in a bar; warning American servicemen against sexually transmitted diseases. Colour lithograph, 194-.
  • Disease and organs treated by a vodoo practitioner in Benin. Acrylic paintings, 199-.
  • A black man looks up at the side profile of another man out of focus in the foreground representing an advertisement for the Northwest AIDS Foundation. Colour lithograph by Heath Printers.
  • Prevention and treatment of syphilis and gonorrhoea, and their effect on the children of people infected. Colour lithograph, ca. 1950.
  • A open condom packet with a gay couple embracing and the message: "be as you want with a condom ... the best protection against HIV and STD's"; advertisement for the Ecoute Gaie and SIDA Info Service by the Comité Français d'Education pour la Santé (CFES) and l'Assurance Maladie sécurit sociale. Colour lithograph.
  • Syphilis: its symptoms, transmission and consequences in Turkey. Colour lithograph by Refet Başokçu, 193-.
  • Hands clapping representing a nickname for 'the clap' or gonorrhea 'VD' with chinese lettering; a safe-sex advertisement by AIDS Concern, Hong Kong. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • A syringe and a condom with a warning to always use a new syringe when shooting up since the damage caused by drugs is even more serious since the onset of AIDS; advertisement for the Drogues Info Service and SIDA Info Service by the Ministère de la Santé Publique et de l'Assurance Maladie. Colour lithograph.
  • A line of people stand along a shopping street representing a warning about the risk of STD's by the AIDS STD Unit, Health Department, Victoria. Colour lithograph, July 1992.
  • An American soldier tied up with a rope forming the letters "VD" and therefore unable to return from army duty in Europe to his home in America. Colour lithograph by F.O. Schiffers, 1946.
  • A masonic tribute to the duchess of Leinster, a governess of Lock Penitentiary, Dublin: she is attended by Virtue and Fame. Etching by H. Brocas, 1794.
  • Numerous children's faces with a message about AIDS related orphans in the Pacific; advertisement by the Pacific Islands AIDS and STD Prevention Programme (PIASPP). Colour lithograph by André Passa, 1993.
  • The hand of an American sailor about to pick up a lace handkerchief representing venereal disease. Colour lithograph, 1948.
  • Disease and organs treated by a vodoo practitioner in Benin. Acrylic paintings, 199-.
  • A provocative naked young woman lying on a bed, death (a cloaked skeleton) sits at her side, a naked man walks away from the bed with his head bowed, towards a throng of diseased and dying people; representing syphilis. Watercolour by R. Cooper.
  • An American man in despair at the thought of infecting his wife and child with a sexually transmitted disease. Colour lithograph, ca. 1944.
  • A faithful unmarried couple, a man with his 3 faithful wives, a couple sitting in a STD clinic and a man receiving an injection with sterilised equipment; one of a series of educational posters issued by the Committed Communities Development Trust in Mumbai. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • People being rescued from a flood in a boat bearing messages about safe sex and condoms; an advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS by the STD/AIDS Control Programme, Ministry of Health, Uganda. Colour lithograph by Tahley (?), 1995.
  • A couple stand kissing in a hazy red setting with the message: "be as you want with a condom ... the best protection against HIV and STD's; advertisement for the Fil Santé Jeunes and SIDA Info Service by the Comité Français d'Education pour la Santé (CFES). Colour lithograph.
  • A pink and white graphic background with green German lettering describing repeatedly how men and women love; an advertisement for condoms as a protection against AIDS by the Authority of Labor, Health and Social Affairs, Hamburg. Colour lithograph.
  • A man lying back on a woman with the title 'Otrohet & herpes' with a warning about the dangers of infidelity and STDs like herpes in Swedish. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • An American soldier running to escape a thunderbolt in the form of the letters VD, representing venereal disease. Colour lithograph by F.O. Schiffers, 1946.
  • A woman winks as she holds up a condom with the face of a man behind with numerous messages about condoms and how to use them; advertisement by the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health. Colour lithograph by Art Chantry.
  • One man lies on top of another lying on grass in an image pixelated at the edge; an advertisement for the Terrence Higgins Trust helpline for advice about AIDS. Colour lithograph, 1994.